Students Learning Materials Identification of the Problem

research. To be able to do that, the problems should be identified in the next part.

B. Identification of the Problem

Some problems are captured in the English classroom at SMPN 8 Yogyakarta that had been identified in reconnaissance process by conducting the observation. The observation was done on October 2013. The problems were captured by observing the teaching learning process, interviewing both the English teachers and the students. From the reconnaissance process, it can be concluded that the major problem, which is focused on the conservation class, is the student‘s low self- confidence. The major problem may be influenced by other problems, those are the problems related to the teachers, the students and the materials given, the problems will be described as follows:

1. Students

Good language learners should have a willingness to practice to use the target language. They should not be afraid of making mistakes in using the language. In addition, they should have high self-confidence in participating in the class activities. They should also be active, attentive, and responsive toward the teaching and learning processes. Nevertheless, after observing the students‘ behaviors in the class, it showed that the students were silent in the class activities but not really attentive toward the teaching and learning processes. Most students were reluctant in responding the teacher‘s questions. Besides, it sounded that they had difficulty to pronounce some words or sentences. Moreover, it could be assumed that they were passive in joining the class activities. Most students would not speak until the teacher asked them to speak. It seemed that they had little interest in the class activities and had low motivation to speak in English. In line with the problems presented above, through the informal interview, the students said that they were too shy to speak in English. They said that they tended to be afraid of making mistakes and felt less confident in speaking English. They seldom used English to communicate in the class. In addition, they said that they found it difficult to say what they wanted to say in English. Furthermore, the students confirmed that it was difficult for them to pronounce English words and sentences correctly. Meanwhile, there was not enough activity to practice their pronunciation. They agreed that those things would impede them in improving their speaking skills.

2. Learning Materials

The teaching materials have also important role in teaching learning activity. Richards and Renandya 2002 argue that teaching materials are an important argument in language learning. Later, they also mention that the materials are the basis of language input for the students and the language practice. Because of its importance, the materials are designed by fulfilling many requirements to be good learning materials. However, the problem appeared in the English classroom when the materials given are not interesting and make the students motivation to learn English is low. From the class observation, sometimes the materials given did not match to the students needs, whereas the students need is to practice or perform their ability to reduce their language anxiety. Nonetheless, through the observation, it could be seen that the materials given were only relied on the LKS. The LKS entitled― Bahasa Inggris PR Kelas VIII Semester I‖. The students just spent their time to do some tasks in the LKS such as reading aloud a dialogue and answering some exercises in the LKS so that the students might easily feel bored in the classroom. Through the interview, the teacher said that before starting the teaching and learning processes, the teacher arranged lesson plans based on the syllabus. However, not all activities mentioned in the lesson plans could be applied in the teaching and learning processes. Commonly, it was caused by the limited time. He also confirmed that the materials given were sometimes not in accordance with the materials mentioned in the lesson plans.

3. Media, Equipment, and Facilities