4. The teachers need to realize that they teach to serve the students so that there will be empathy between the teachers and the students. Therefore, it will create a good atmosphere that makes the students learn at ease. 5. It is better for the teachers to work collaboratively because the teachers can get criticism and suggestions to improve the teaching and learning processes better. Moreover, by working collaboratively the can see alternatives and share ideas to make those processes run more effectively. 6. Based on the reflections of the actions, it could be seen that there were some successful and unsuccessful actions in the use of communicative activities as the method in the teaching and learning process. This implies that the researcher needs to provide more varied communicative activities to enhance students‘ speaking skills to improve his teaching ability.

C. Suggestions

After conducting the research, I proposed some suggestions for the English teacher, English Education Department‘s students and other researchers, SMP N 8 Yogyakarta, and English Education Department. The suggestions are as follows. 1. For the English teacher as the collaborators It is important for the English teacher, especially the English teachers in VIII.II SMP N 8 Yogyakarta to improve students‘ speaking skills. The teacher needs to develop their speaking skills and create an enjoyable classroom atmosphere in the classroom, so that they will be motivated to learn. It can be done by using communicative activities as the method accompanied by some activities enabling students to develop their speaking skills. The teacher should continue the successful actions which had been conducted. They should continue the efforts to improve the students‘ speaking skills. It is necessary for them to create various activities and use various media to support the leaning processes so that the learning processes can be enjoyable and students can find them motivated. The class should be prepared well before it is conducted. The collaborators should plan and design the class activities well so that the learning processes can be done more effectively and the teachers do not forget to deliver certain points or skip particular activities. They need to give balance proportion of pre-communicative activities and communicative activities so that the students could use the language for communication fluently and accurately. If the teachers want to make the students achieve the best in the teaching and learning processes, make sure that the students understand the tasks and materials and the objectives that they need to accomplish by the end of the lesson. Furthermore, it is also important to improve the use of classroom English, since it can also encourage the students to improve their language production. Moreover, the teachers can use various media to make the activities more enjoyable and interesting. They need to give more opportunities for the students to practice their English so that the students can be involved in every single activity. Furthermore, they also need to solve the problems that have not been solved yet. The teacher should recommend others to do the same to make the teaching and learning processes better. 2. For the English Education Department‘s Students The students should be more aware and careful in choosing a method to teach English, especially in speaking. In this case, communicative activities as the method can be one of the alternative materials to teach speaking since communicative activities allows students to see the use of particular expressions in certain contexts. 3. For other researchers After conducting this action research, I should have more practices to use classroom English since it can really motivate students to learn. In addition to that, I should be more creative in creating activities and media to support the teaching and learning processes. It is also necessary for me to read more because the more I read the more knowledge I get. I can learn something new through reading. Moreover, the results of this research are expected to be able to encourage other researchers to conduct further study related to speaking skills or the use of communicative activities as the method for other skills. 4. For SMP N 8 Yogyakarta To support the teaching and learning processes, the school needs to allocate the funds to the development of the media and materials. The school needs to provide the students with adequate books since the students need a lot of exposures to master English language. 5. For the English Education Department In conducting this research, I found a technical problem dealing with the references. The references are not enough to provide an example of research. So, I suggest the English Education Department to prepare and make sure that the research is well-prepared through providing the adequate reference. In addition, the results of this research are expected to be able to provide some information and as reference before conducting further study related to speaking skills or the use of communicative activities for other skills. REFERENCES Blundell, J., and Middlemiss, N. 1982. Functions in English . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Brown. H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principle . New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. ______ __. 2004. Language Assessment . New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. BSNP. 2006. Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan P endidikan Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah . Jakarta: BSNP. Burns, A. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers . New York: Cambridge University Press. Burton. S. H. 1982. Mastering English Language. London: The McMillian Press Ltd. Cameron, D. 2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners . New York: Cambridge University Press. Celce-Murcia, M., Dornyei, Z., and Thurell, S. 1995. Communicative Competence: A Pedadogigal Motivated Model with Content Specifications . Los Angeles: University of California. Depdiknas. 2005. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Depdiknas. . 2006. Kurikulum 2006: Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Dornyei, Z., and Thurrell, S. 1992 . Conversation and Dialogues in Action. USA: Prentice-Hall International. Hadfield, J. 2005. Elementary Communication Games. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching 3 rd Ed.. London and New York: Longman Group. ______ . 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching 4 th Ed.. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 148 Harris, T. L. and Hodges, R. E. 1995. The Literacy Dictionary: The Vocabulary of Reading and Writing. Newark: International Reading Association. Hornby, A. S. 2003. Oxford Advance Learners‟ Dictionary o f Current English . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Klippel, F. 1991. Keep Talking: Communicative Fluency Activities for Language Teaching. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Larser-Freeman, D. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching . Oxford: Oxford Press. Littlewood, W. T. 2002. Communicative Language Teaching. : an Introduction . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nunan, D. 1989. Designing Task for the Communicative Classroom . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ______ . 2003. Practical English Language Teaching . New York: McGraw-Hill. Richard, J. C. 2006. Communicative Language Teaching Today . New York: Cambridge University Press. _____ . 2003. 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Communication focus: - Providing students with opportunities to learn to use target language functions for communication Language focus: - Enriching students‘ vocabularies - Allowing students to practice pronunciation and grammar in contexts - Allowing students to manipulate sentences Closing: - Giving feedback and appreciation - Summarizing the lesson - Improving students‘ awareness in using certain language functions in daily life Main Activities: - Providing students to practice the language elements separately or to learn the part-skills of communication. - Giving lots of opportunities for the students to learn to use the language functions. Pre-communicative activities: - Preparing students to communicative activities by giving language and comprehension focused activities Communicative Activities: - Conducting Information Gap Activities The gaps can be differences in opinions, experiences, knowledge, attitudes, feeling, etc that will always be related to the topic. - Characteristics of the activities: 1 They provide the whole task practice 2 They improve motivation 3 They allow natural learning 4 They create contexts which support learning 5 They provide gaps, information exchange, curiosity, attractiveness and cooperation In communicative activities, students learn to use language for bridging the gaps to each other according to the topic. Comprehension focus: - Allowing students to comprehend the expressions used in real-life situation - Vocabulary practice vocabulary check - Pronunciation practice - Written exercises - Translating sentences - Describing pictures - Media: picture, sheets, etc - Setting: individual, group work - Presentation of input text - Comprehension questions and personalized questions - Media: pictures, input texts - Setting: classical, individual work - Communicative activities using certain language functions in a game, discussions, interview, conversation, etc - Media: cards, topic sheet, pictures - Setting: individual, pair and group work - Question and answer activity - Teacher‘s talk - Setting: classical LESSON PLAN School : SMP N 8 YOGYAKARTA Grade : VIII Semester : I Skill : Speaking Subject : English Meeting : 1 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standards

A. Standard of Competence