Conducting Pre-Communicative Activities Actions and Observations

After having the lead-in activities, then I communicated the objectives of the study. I began to invite some students to give their comments and I then delivered the objective of the lessons. By personalizing the questions, having lead-in activities, and contextualizing the materials and the language functions that they needed to learn, the students became more aware of the importance of the objective of the lessons as well as the language functions. The activities could also serve to gather the students‘ attention and they had more concentration on the materials explained. They also understood what they had to practice and the use of the language function in their daily life, due to the context provided. They said that knowing the objectives of the learning is important. Generally, it was effective to motivate the students to learn as well as to deepen students‘ understanding of the lesson. It could be seen from the following transcript. R: Kalau tujuan pembelajarannya disampaikan terlebih dahulu apakah bisa membantumu dalam memahami pelajaran? ‗If I tell you the objective of the lesson, can it help you to understand the lesson? ‘ S1: Sangat membantu mister. ‗It‘s so helpful, Mister.‘ S2: Membantu sir,jadi kita gak bingung. ‗It‘s helpful Sir, so we will not confuse.‘ S3: Membantu banget mister,jadi langsung tau apa yang akan dipelajari dan ngapain aja. . ‗Yes it‘s very helpful, so I know what I am going to learn.‘ Interview transcript, September 20, 2013

c. Conducting Pre-Communicative Activities

During the cycle I, I conducted pre-communicative activities before entering the communicative activities. The pre-communicative activities were focused on comprehension and language. I conducted some comprehension-focused activities to make the students aware of the use of expressions in daily life. These language- focused activities were to let the students know how to use and produce words or sentences correctly using appropriate language and how to manipulate sentences or how to construct grammatically correct sentences. In conducting comprehension-focused activity, I gave the students as an input text in each meeting with different topic for every meeting in the forms of written dialogues as the input texts. The input texts in the meetings in cycle I were designed in certain contexts so that the students could understand the language function more easily. At first, the students were not very active in doing the activities. However, later the students could improve their involvement in asking and answering the questions. I also varied the input texts and the students were interested in joining the class. By giving the input texts and discussing them, the students could understand the use of language functions based on the context. In this cycle, I also taught grammar in contexts to the students to improve their accuracy in constructing sentences. I explained the grammar construction by giving them examples and suggesting that they should start to practice to use English by making simple sentences and that they should simplify their sentences by focusing more on the meaning than dictions, and avoid making complex sentences. Moreover they were very interested and enthusiastic when they played the games. It was proven by the fact that the students could correct their mistakes when they discussed the answers with me.

d. Conducting Communicative Activities