Using Classroom English in Teaching and Learning Processes Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons to the Students Designing Lesson Plans before Teaching the Class

could be active and encouraged to speak in English. The description of the benefits of using media can be seen from the following interview transcript. A. R : Apakah penggunaan media seperti gambar,rekaman dialog,cards of situation dan lain-lain dikelas dapat membuat pelajaran menjadi semakin menarik? ‗Do you think t h a t t h e u s e of pictures, the recording, and cards of situation as the media c a n m a k e t h e teaching and learning process be more interesting? ‘ S3: iya sir,sangat menarik.Pelajaran jadi ga monoton gitu- gitu aja.‗It‘s very interesting. The lesson is not that monotonous.‘ S2: Menarik mister,jadi kita ga nulis apa-apa dan tinggal praktek aja. ‗It‘s interesting sir, so we don‘t need to write anything and directly practice the speaking.‘ S1: Menarik sir,videonya ngasih contoh dulu buat ngomong gitu. ‗It‘s interesting sir, the video gave the example before practice the speaking.‘ B. R: Apakah dapat membantumu memahami pelajaran? ‗Did the media used in meeting help you in learning process?‘ S5: sangat membantu kog sir. ‗It‘s very helpful sir.‘ S7: Lebih paham pake video jadi tau contohnya mister. ‗The video help me to understand because it gives the example sir.‘ S6: Lebih paham sir,lebih mudah dipahami. ‗It helps me to be more understand sir, it‘s easy to follow.‘ Interview transcript, September 9, 2013

3. Reflections

After implementing the actions of cycle I, the collaborators and I held a discussion to reflect the actions of Cycle I. Everyone participating in this research had ample opportunities to share their ideas, opinions, and feelings related to the implemented actions. Based on the discussion with the collaborators in a democratic and dialogic atmosphere, the reflections can be summarized in the following descriptions.

a. Using Classroom English in Teaching and Learning Processes

I used classroom English in every meeting in cycle I. the implementation of classroom English was successful in familiarizing the students with English words. It was also successful in creating an atmosphere in which the students were expected to communicate in English. Most of the students could respond to my simple questions when I greeted them and had chit-chat with them. They were confident when they spoke in English. However, they tended to use Indonesian when they could not explain something. I usually simplified their meaning and guided them to translate it into English, when they could not make the translation I gave the answers and asked them to repeat after me.

b. Communicating the Objectives of the Lessons to the Students

I always communicated the objectives of the lessons to the students in every meeting. At first, I showed some pictures, or created a context and personalized some questions and let the students know what they were going to learn. Some students did not seem to notice the importance of the objectives of the lessons. However, generally, it was successful to motivate them to learn and to help them understand the goals and directions of the lessons.

c. Designing Lesson Plans before Teaching the Class

Before teaching the class, I always designed the lesson plan. I discussed with the collaborators and they helped me by giving opinions suggestions. The activities were done systematically. The students seemed to understand the aim of the activities and the time allocation was better managed. This was successful in minimizing the students‘ confusion and gave a clear guidance and reminder for me. This made the activities ran better and more effective. The classes were better prepared and the teacher was ready to conduct the class activities.

d. Conducting Pre-Communicative Activities