Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Vocabulary and Using media in Teaching and Learning Processes

……………After asking students conditions I checked the students‘ attendance. ―Who is absent today?‖ asked me. Students said ―No one‖. I greeted Magdalena, ―Hi, Magdalena, how are you? How was your night?‖ ―Good.‖ ―Did you stay up late last night?‖ ―No, I slept very early‖ ―What time did you wake up this morning?‖ ―I woke up at 6 am.‖ ―Did you have your breakfast?‖ ―No, I did not.‖ Then I directed the students to the topic of the day by conducting asking and answering activities. I asked about extracurricular activities they join. I walk around the class and asked some students questions related to today‘s lesson. Then I told the objective of the lesson ―Today, we are going to learn the expressions of inviting someone, accepting, and refusing an invitation to events in extracurricular activities.‖

f. Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Vocabulary and

Pronunciation Check in Every Meeting I always gave a vocabulary exercises in every meeting of cycle II since it was effective to help them enrich their vocabulary and to improve their production, especially students‘ fluency. The students‘ responses to the vocabulary and pronunciation were positive. This was proven by their positive attitude toward the memorization of vocabularies. Most of them were ready to have vocabulary checks and they had memorized the words related to the topic of the day before they joined the class. They became more familiar with the words and they often used the words provided in the vocabulary lists given. It helped them improve their production and reduce the vocabulary constrain since the vocabularies were designed based on the topic of the day. R : Bagaimana menurut kamu tentang Vocab dan pronunciation check di setiap pertemuan? ‗What do you think about our vocabulary practice pronunciation check today? ‘ S9 : Ya, menurut aku itu penting juga lah, supaya kita juga bisa tau vocab- vocab baru, terus kalo mau ngomong kan jadi terbantu. ‗I think it‘s important, we know the new vocabularies and help us to speak.‘ R : Apakah vocabulary dan pronunciation check dapat membantumu dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris? ‗Do you think that vocabulary practice and pronunciation check can help you in speaking English?‘ S6 : Iya, jadi kita bisa ngomong pakai vocab-vocab yang ada dan kita juga bisa pronunciationnya. ‗Of course, so we can speak using the vocabulary that we learned and correct pronunciation.‘ Interview transcript, November 23, 2013

g. Using media in Teaching and Learning Processes

In conducting the actions in cycle II, I always used some media. Students seemed to be more motivated and interested in learning the lesson since I used varied media and activities. I used pictures, cards, recordings, video, games and reward in cycle II. During the three meetings in cycle II, the media could give positive effects to the students. Compared to cycle I, the students became more active in joining the class. They were fully engaged to the class activities through the use of media. They also became more attentive and they seemed to enjoy the class very much. The activities became more interesting and the students did not get bored with the class activities. It could be seen from the following interview transcript. A. R: Media yang dipakai di pertemuan hari ini membantu kamu dalam belajar apa gak? ‗Do you think that the use of media help you in learning process?‘ S4: Cukup membantu mister,jadi lebih paham. ‗It‘s quite helpful sir, we can be more understand.‘ S5: Membantu sekali sir,lebih ga bosen. ‗It‘s very helpful sir, we don‘t bored with the lesson.‘ S6: Sangat membantu sir,bisa lihat contoh dan lihat temen maju kedepan. It‘s so helpful sir, it can b e used as example and see my friends came to the class.‘ B. R: Menurutmu bagaimana penggunaan media video,card of situations dan role play dalam proses belajar mengajar? ‗What do you think about the use of media such as video, card of situations and role play in teaching and learning process?‘ S7: Menarik dan membantu praktek ngomong sir. ‗It‘s interesting and help me to speak sir.‘ S1: Membantu kita untuk berani ngomong mister. ‗It helps us to be brave to speak si r.‘ S2: Efektif dan jadi lebih semangat untuk ngomong bahasa Inggris sir. ‗It‘s effective and give the spirit to speak English sir.‘ Interview transcript, November 23, 2013

h. Giving Rewards for Active Students