Reports of Cycle I 1. Planning The Concept of Course grid and Lesson Plans a.

students were not confident and they were afraid of making mistakes and being laughed at by their friends. After analyzing the causes of the problems, the collaborators and I continued the discussion and determined that the problems related to the students‘ personality needed to be solved as soon as possible since communicative approach is student-centered approach. To solve those problems, it had been agreed that the teacher should start to change in order to overcome those problems. The teacher should change his ways of teaching. Various activities to stimulate students to be confident interested and excited needed to be done. It was also agreed to use some media and materials from many sources that were suitable with the curriculum and the students‘ needs. The teacher also needed to create a good atmosphere so that the students could learn comfortably without feeling anxious and afraid of making mistakes. If the teacher created a good atmosphere and used various media and material as well as creating various challenging activities and tasks, the students would be active, attentive, responsive, and confident in speaking English.

B. Reports of Cycle I 1. Planning

A. The Concept of Course grid and Lesson Plans a.

Designing the Course Grid When the field problems had been formulated and the actions had been designed, the English teacher as the collaborator and I made some plans for the first cycle. We selected the basic competency and the standard competency for second semester of grade VIII. I made a course grid to design the materials and activities easier. From the discussion between the English teacher and I, in cycle II we decided to choose the standard of competency 3 and the basic competences of 3.1. The basic competency of 3.1 is about expressing meaning in simple transactional to get things done and interpersonal to socialize conversations in various spoken forms accurately ,fluently, and acceptable to interact in daily life contexts with the use of language functions such as asking, giving, and refusing services, asking, giving, and refusing things, accepting and denying facts, and giving opinions. The English teacher and I decided to use PPP Presentation, Practice, Production technique in the teaching and learning process. It consisted of three steps. The first step was presentation. In this step, Ip resented the materials by playing videos, asking students to identify the expressions used in the videos and presenting other expressions. The second step was practice. In this step, students did some exercises related to the expressions they had learnt. They also practiced the expressions in pairs. The last step was production. In this step, students practiced the expressions they had learnt individually or in pairs.

b. Making Lesson Plans

I plan the learning process so that the class runs smoothly and successfully and all of the elements included in the whole process could support the attempts to reach the objectives of the learning. In order to crate meaningful and relevant tasks, I made lesson plans covering the class activities, time allocation, classroom management, aims and principle of the task and activities designed. By doing this, the irrelevancy and inefficiency could be minimized. The lesson plan could be the guideline for me, so that I could administer the teaching and learning process more systematically. This could prevent me from forgetting the important materials or activities that needed to be conducted, so that the English learning could be a holistic process including sequences of meaningful processes. I also fill the progress report which showed the progress of students‘ development and to inform the collaborators, so that we could discuss further related to the attempts of improving students‘ speaking skills as to be concerned with students‘ personality, and learning styles.

B. The Concept of Action Plans