Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Vocabulary and

the mistakes. It could be seen that the feedback could help the students know their mistakes but also could improve students‘ confidence in speaking English. They became more aware of their accuracy and they also tried not to repeat the same mistakes again. I also kept reminding the students by giving feedbacks. It can be described as the following interview transcript. R : Kalau disuruh maju ngomong bahasa Inggris atau maju perform dialog pakai bahasa Inggris percaya diri apa gak? ‗If I ask you to speak English or performing a dialogue in English, are you confident? ‘ S1: Sedikit PD mister.. ‗A bit confident Sir.‘ S3: Gak PD sir,malu sama temen kalo salah. ‗I‘m not confident sir, I‘m afraid making mistakes.‘ S6: PD aja sir kan dah diajari dulu sebelumnya. ‗Of course, I‘m confident since we already learned before.‘ R: Kalau sendiri percaya diri gak? ‗If you practice alone, are you confident?‘ S5: Belum sir.. ‗Not yet sir.‘ S7: Dicoba dulu sir,kayaknya PD deh. ‗I‘ll try first sir, I think I‘am confident.‘ S4: Tetep PD donk sir,, ‗Of course, I‘m confident sir.‘ Interview transcript, October 4, 2013

f. Asking Students to Memorize Words and Giving Vocabulary and

Pronunciation Check in Each Meeting The lack of vocabulary mastery became a big problem in improving the students‘ speaking skills. Most students were quite active and many of them really wanted to express their opinion in English. The students asked the teacher many times about certain vocabularies that they wanted to use. The lack of vocabulary mastery was a quite big constrain in improving their speaking skills. Realizing this problem, I also designed vocabulary practice before entering the communicative or productive activities. In each meeting of cycle I, I usually gave vocabulary exercises. Each vocabulary exercise consisted of common vocabularies that the students would probably use based on the topic discussed in each meeting. This was to help the students express their idea and opinion in the following communicative activities. The students were asked to memorize the new vocabularies to be checked in the following meeting. I drilled the students‘ pronunciation by asking them to repeat after me. Giving intensive drilling on the students‘ pronunciation aimed at making students know how to pronounce the words correctly. The students were enthusiastic when I gave the pronunciation drills. However, they did not pay attention when on the word stress and intonation so that they tended to make mistakes. I instructed them to pay attention to the word stress and he sometimes wrote the phonetic transcription of some difficult words that the students found it difficult to pronounce. It gave positive impact to the students. It could be seen that in the next meetings in cycle I students pronounced the words correctly when they used them in the communicative activities. In terms of self-confidence, most of the students were quite confident when they were asked to pronounce the words individually. This could be seen through the following interview transcript. R: Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang latihan pronunciation tadi? ‗What do you think about our pronunciation practice today? ‘ S4: Masih m alu ngomong tadi aku sir. ‗I feel shy to speak sir.‘ S6: Enak tinggal ngikutin sir‘nya gitu. ‗It‘s easy, just following you sir.‘ S2: Ga sulit dan menyenangkan mister,jadi kita tau ucapan yang bener. ‗It‘s easy and fun sir, so we know the right pronun ciation.‘ Interview transcript, September 9, 2013

g. Using Media in Teaching and Learning Process.