Proper Noun or Eponym in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

89 employed the brand Bodrex to replace the word bodoh, which meant “stupid.” There were some reasons that lead the speakers of Bahasa Binan to use the word Bodrex to replace the word bodoh. The first reason was because the word Bodrex rhymed with the word bodoh in Bahasa Indonesia. The similar sounds among the words enabled the speakers of Bahasa Binan to know the meaning of the word Bodrex based on the context of the conversation. The second reason was because the speakers were so familiar with the word Bodrex so that it eased the speakers to memorize the word. From the explanation above, it could be concluded that the Cockney and Bahasa Binan speakers usually used the generified words that did not share any similar impressions with the intended words in the source languages. The only thing to consider when using the words as generified words in Cockney and Bahasa Binan was the rhyming sounds between the brands and the intended words in the source languages. Therefore, the actual meaning as well as the impression of the generified words did not become a paramount thing to consider in Cockney and Bahasa Binan.

g. Proper Noun or Eponym in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

Akmajian, et al. 2001 state that proper noun always deals with people’s names. The discussion of proper noun might be confusing since this type of word formation is almost the same as the generified word. However, one thing that differs generified words from proper nouns is the use of the names since usually the proper noun always employed the names of popular people. Table 4.13 depicts the phenomenon of proper noun in Cockney. 90 Table 4.13: Proper Noun in Cockney Word Actual Meaning Meaning adam and eve the name of the first inhabitants in the world according to some bibles believe aristotle the name of the ancient Greek philosopher bottle john mills a name of an actor wheels From Table 4.13, it could be seen that the words “Adam and Eve,” “Aristotle,” and “John Mills” were some popular people’s names. Many times the speakers of Cockney used the names of the people by considering the rhyming sounds of the names to the sounds of the intended words in Bahasa Indonesia. In other words, the speakers of Cockney never considered who actually the people were. This case was seen in the word “Aristotle.” Although the word “Aristotle” was actually the name of a great philosopher in the world, the meaning of word in fact did not have any relations with philosophy or philosophers in Cockney. The speakers of Cockney usually only considered the rhyming sounds between the names and the intended words in English. In the case of “Aristotle,” the speakers of Cockney used the name because the last part of the name had the same rhyme with the word “bottle.” Therefore, the speakers of Cockney used the word “Aristotle” to mean “bottle” in any kinds of conversation. The case of proper noun in Bahasa Binan appeared to be the same as the case of proper nouns in Cockney. Most of the time the speakers of Bahasa Binan did not consider the identity of the owners or the holders of the names. Table 4.14 describes some occurrences of proper noun in Bahasa Binan. 91 Table 4.14: Proper Nouns in Bahasa Binan Word Actual Meaning Meaning bellina a name of an actress; refer to Meriam Bellina defecate cintami a name of an actress; refer to Cintami Atmanegara chinese hitler a name of a Germany politician black From Table 4.14, it could be seen that most of the time the speakers of Bahasa Binan used the names of the people that did not have any relation with the meanings of the words. The word Bellina, which was clipped from Meriam Bellina, was a good example to justify this concept properly. In fact, the person whose name was “Meriam Bellina” did not have something to do with “defecate.” The same case also happened to the word Cintami, which was clipped from a popular actress named “Cintami Atmanegara.” In fact, the speakers of Bahasa Binan used the name to mean “Chinese.” Therefore, instead of saying Dia Cina, which meant “She is Chinese,” the speakers of Bahasa Binan preferred to use Dia Cintami or Diana Cintami. Through the data analysis, it was found that the speakers of Bahasa Binan actually never considered the relevance or the relation of the proper names and the meanings. The speakers of Bahasa Binan turned out to solely consider the rhyming sounds between the names of the people and the intended words in Bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the choice of “Hitler” to mean “black” was not because “Hitler” was a black man but it was because of the rhyming sound between the word “Hitler” and the word hitam, which meant “black” in English. 92

h. Borrowing in Cockney and Bahasa Binan