Metaphorical Extension in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

119 intended words beli in Bahasa Indonesia while the word bisikan was used to replace the word bisa in Bahasa Indonesia. This fact signified that the speakers of Bahasa Binan actually used the words belalang and bisikan instead of beli and bisa to avoid the lay people to understand the speech of the speakers.

b. Metaphorical Extension in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

Akmajian, et al. 2001 claim that metaphorical extension happens when the speakers of a language extend the meanings of the existing words in a recognizable way. The definition above signifies that there is a process of modifying the meaning of certain words that hold the same meaning sense to the message that the speakers would like to convey. Some of the words in English and Bahasa Indonesia that undergo the process of metaphorical extension were the words “to sail” and berlayar, which meant “to sail.” Although the two words basically elicit the impression of “water” or “sea,” the speakers of English and Bahasa Indonesia also used the words in other contexts or topics, such as life or even education. The case of metaphorical extension in fact appeared as a difficult phenomenon of meaning change to observe as it really dealt with the culture of the society as well as the word usage in context. Due to the limitation of the culture background, the writer found no case of metaphorical extension in Cockney. Moreover, the writer found that the basic process of the word formation in Cockney was dominated by rhyming sound process. Therefore, most of the time the speakers of Cockney were solely employing the words whose ending 120 sounds rhyme with the respective meanings in English while the actual meanings of the adopted words were not really being accentuated. However, the writer found some words that underwent the process of metaphorical extension in Bahasa Binan, namely kalengan and garukan. The word kalengan basically meant “canned products” in English as it appeared in the phrase biskuit kalengan, which meant “canned biscuit.” However, the speakers of Bahasa Binan extended the meaning of the word kalengan into “somebody that is not yet out and proud.” The phrase “out and proud” actually elicited the sense of “having the out and proud feeling of being gay.” Therefore, it could be said that the word kalengan referred to the gays that were still denying the fact that they were gay. The process of adapting the word kalengan to Bahasa Binan was done by considering sense of the word kaleng, which was related to something that is “closed.” Thus, the speakers of Bahasa Binan adapted the word to describe the gays that were still “closing” the fact of being gay. The same case also happened to the word garukan. The word garukan actually meant “scratching.” However, the speakers of Bahasa Binan extended the meaning of the word garukan into “the raid.” The primary reason of extending the meaning garukan into “the raid” was simply because the word “scratching” was closely related to the word “the raid” in Indonesia. The writer found that the process of scratching enabled the doers to rip off or to scratch anything. The same case also happened to the raid. The transgender people in Indonesia were often being arrested for their misbehaviors or jobs. Since 121 those respective words shared the same sense of meaning, the speakers of Bahasa Binan then adapted the word garukan to refer to the word “the raid.”

c. Broadening in Cockney and Bahasa Binan