Making Conclusion Based on the Findings

63 examples. Therefore, the writer also used the information to analyze the processes of word formation as well as to maintain the objectivity of the word analysis. c. Finding Information on the Internet This step was done to analyze the processes of generified word and proper noun in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer googled and read the information on websites in order to determine whether the words were essentially names of people, popular places, or brands. The writer solely googled the information of the words whose first letters were started in capital, such as Queen’s Park Rangers since this way of writing were only used to describe names.

5. Making Conclusion Based on the Findings

This step enabled the writer to have the overall conclusion on the data analysis. This step behaved to top off the process of finding out the word formation processes found in the selected Cockney dictionary and the selected Bahasa Binan dictionary. This step also aimed at determining the general word formation processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan by considering the frequent reason of the speakers to form or modify the word morphology and meaning.


This chapter is aimed to discuss the findings of the writer’s study on word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The elaboration and the discussion of the findings mainly follow the theories of word formation by Akmajian, Demers, Farmer, and Harnish 2001, O’Grady, Archibald, Aronoff, and Ress-Miller 2010 and some other researchers such as Fasold and Connor- Linton Eds. 2006, Boellstroff 2004, Oetomo 2001 and all linguists described in the review of literature part. All discussions of the word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan follow the nature of the source languages. This means that the discussion of the word formation in Cockney will be based on the nature of English since Cockney is rooted in English whereas the discussion of Bahasa Binan is based on the nature of Bahasa Indonesia since Bahasa Binan is rooted in Bahasa Indonesia. The following explanations describe the findings of the word formation processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan.

A. Word Formation Processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

The main purpose of word formation is to vary the use or the meaning of the words. In order to achieve it, the speakers of a language could modify the morphology of the words through affix addition or affixation, word modification or meaning modification Akmajian, 2001; O’Grady, 2010. The following 64