Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

8 3. Other Researchers The writer hopes that the results of the study could bridge other researchers to conduct other depth studies on word formation. By having the information on word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan, the writer hopes that the information would help other researchers to analyze other fields in Cockney and Bahasa Binan, such as phonology and grammar as both fields are closely related to morphology of the words.

F. Definition of Terms

In order to have the same basis of the study, the writer provides some definitions of terms as described follows. 1. Morphological Process Before defining clearly what morphological process is, the writer would like to define the base word of “morphological,” which comes from the word “morphology.” According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, morphology is the study concerning in the structure of words. The definition above is also in par with the meaning cited from the work of Fasold and Connor-Linton eds 2006 who define morphology as the study of internal word structure analysis that includes the process of producing and interpreting the words in a language. From the definition above, it can be concluded that morphological process is the process that deals with the structure and the form of words and phrases. In this study, the writer focuses on the word formation of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Word formation commonly covers derivational morphology, inflectional 9 morphology, and morphological modification Akmajian et al., 2001. Therefore, the study of the writer would discuss the derivational morphology, inflectional morphology, as well as the morphological modification of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Beside the word formation, the writer also covers the discussion of meaning modification of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. This effort is taken by considering that most of the time the processes of word formation do not always deal with the visible structure of words but also the variation of meanings. 2. Bahasa Binan According to Boellstorff 2004, the word Binan refers to “a nationwide term for male-to-female transvestites” p. 253. The definition above signifies that the female-to-male transvestites or female transgender must have a different form of language. This assumption is clearly seen as the word Binan is only referring to the male or a community of male transvestites or male transgender. Taking the definition of Bahasa and Binan, literally it can be concluded that Bahasa Binan is a language that is used by male-to-female transvestites or male transgender from now on refers to transgender in Indonesia. The definition above is in line with the definition of Bahasa Binan cited from Oetomo’s 2001 work. Oetomo 2001 states that Bahasa Binan is a language variation of Bahasa Indonesia and is primarily used by the effeminate or transvestite and homosexual community in Indonesia. Considering the uniqueness of this language, the writer decides to study this language in the level of word formation as there are only limited sources of literature that focus on Bahasa Binan word formation. 10 3. Cockney English Cockney English, which is from now on referring to “Cockney,” is a variation of British English in the form of a class dialect. This language variation is usually connected with the London’s working class Koudelkova, 2012. Cockney was seen as a less prestigious language variation than other language variations or dialects. The bad impression of Cockney was triggered by the location of the language dissemination area that was located near the London’s high social class area in which the inhabitants were usually used the most standard language. Thus, it made the gap between the language prestige even more noticeable Walker, 1791, as cited in Matthews, 1972 in Koudelkova, 2012.