Organizing the Data Examining the Data Classifying and Analysing the Data

49 2005, pp. 150-151. Creswell 1998 claims that there are four processes in document analysis, namely organizing data, examining data, classifying and analysing the data, and integrating and summarizing the data. The writer of this study applied the process above to analyse the processes of word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The four efforts done in this study are described in the next page.

1. Organizing the Data

To find the general glimpse of the object studied, the writer conducted scanning reading to the Cockney dictionary and the Bahasa Binan dictionary. This strategy helped the writer to know the general nature of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. In the process of organizing the data, the writer developed tables in order to summary the data according to the three major divisions of word formation processes, namely affixation, word modification, and meaning modification that can be seen in Appendix A. Besides organizing the data, the tables were also used to record the number of occurrences of the word formation processes. By recording the number of occurrences, the writer could identify the frequent word formation processes that would help the writer to see the common similarities and differences of the word formation processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan.

2. Examining the Data

The process was conducted to make sure whether the language element was reliable to study or not. This step was also taken to examine the data since sometimes there were some data that did not belong to the common processes of 50 word formation. By conducting this process, the writer could know the nature of word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The understanding on the general process and the nature of the word formation processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan was important to know because it bridged the writer to have an early interpretation on the issue being studied.

3. Classifying and Analysing the Data

This process helped the writer to see the words discretely by classifying each word based on the word formation processes. By having the classified data, the writer could analyse the data according to the processes of word formation. The writer developed 26 tables in order to conduct this step. The writer decided to use the same format of table for each word formation process. This decision was made in order to enable the writer as well as the readers to have the comparison and contrast on the word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The blueprints 3.1 until 3.17 were the blueprints of tables that were used by the writer to analyse the processes of word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Table 3.1: The Blueprint of Coined Words in Language X Language Word Part of Speech Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan 51 The writer developed Table 3.1 in order to analyse the process of coined word in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer provided columns for part of speech and meaning of the words in order to give further information about the words in Cockney and Bahasa Binan either for the writer or the readers. By knowing the information, the writer could examine the words by comparing the words with the existing words in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The words that were regarded as coined words were the words that were not listed in the dictionaries of English and Bahasa Binan. Table 3.2: The Blueprint of Acronyms, Alphabetic Abbreviations, Blends in Language X Language Word Extension Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer developed Table 3.2 in order to analyse the processes of acronym, alphabetic abbreviation, and blend in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer used the same table format to analyse the processes of acronym, alphabetic abbreviation, and blend because basically the three word formation processes happened by combining two or more words. Therefore, the writer developed the columns of extension and meaning in order to know the words constituting the acronym, alphabetic abbreviation, and blend. The writer also provided the meaning column because the writer found that the speakers of Cockney and 52 Bahasa Binan many times shifted the actual meanings of the acronym, alphabetic abbreviation, and blend. Table 3.3: The Blueprint of Clippings and Cliticizations in Language X Language Word Original Word Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer developed Table 3.3 to analyse the processes of clipping and cliticization in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. In analysing both processes, the writer had to know the original words as well as the meanings of the words. Therefore, the writer provided the columns for original word and meaning in the table of clipping and cliticization analysis. By knowing the original words and also the meanings, the writer could examine deeper the reasons of clipping and cliticization in Cockney and Bahasa Binan since many times the reasons were driven by the rhyming sounds between the words and the meanings in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Table 3.4: The Blueprint of Generified Words and Proper Nouns in Language X Language Word Actual Meaning Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan 53 Table 3.4 was the table blueprint to analyse the process of generified word and proper noun in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The process of generified word and proper noun dealt with the process of shifting the names of people, places, or brands to perform as functional words in a language. Therefore, the writer developed the columns of actual meaning and the current meaning in order to see the actual reasons of using the names as the functional words in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Table 3.5: The Blueprint of Borrowings in Language X Language Word Meaning Source Language Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.5 was used to analyse the process of borrowing in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The process of borrowing dealt with the process of identifying the source languages of words. Since Cockney and Bahasa Binan are language variations, definitely their words in majority are borrowed from the source languages, namely English and Bahasa Indonesia. However, the writer would like to know deeper information about the borrowed words by knowing what languages that essentially influenced the vocabulary development of Cockney and Bahasa Binan were. Therefore, the writer developed the columns of meaning and source language to analyse the process of borrowing. 54 Table 3.6: The Blueprint of Internal Changes and Suppletions in Language X Language Word Original Word Process Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer developed Table 3.6 in order to analyse the processes of internal change and suppletion in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer used the same format of table for internal change and suppletion because basically both processes required the writer to know the original words as well as the meanings of the words. By knowing the original words and the meanings, the writer could identify further the processes of internal change and suppletion by comparing the words and the original words as well as determining the process of employing the processes. Table 3.7: The Reduplications in Language X Language Word Type of Reduplication Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.7 was used to analyse the process of reduplication in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. In analysing the process of reduplication, the writer had to indentify the reduplication types of the words in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. 55 Therefore, the writer developed the column of reduplication type as well as the column of meaning of the words. Table 3.8: The Tone Placements in Language X Language Word Tone Placement Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer developed Table 3.8 in order to analyse the process of tone placement in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer developed the column of tone placement to know the position of tone that differed the meanings of the words. The writer also developed the column of meaning so that the writer could compare and contrast the meanings of words with high tone and low tone. Table 3.9: The Blueprint of Backformations in Language X Language Word Meaning Backformation Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.9 was used to analyse the process of backformation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer developed the column of meaning in order to know the actual meaning of the words in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The meanings 56 of the words in English and Bahasa Indonesia enabled the writer to determine whether the words underwent the process of backformation or not. The writer also used the information to determine the words that were backformed. Table 3.10: The Blueprint of Onomatopoeias in Language X Language Word Meaning Onomatopoeic Sound Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.10 was used to analyse the process of onomatopoeia in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The process of onomatopoeia dealt with the process of describing the sounds of nature. Therefore, the writer developed the column of onomatopoeic sound in order to know the basic function of the words in describing the sounds of nature. The writer also developed the column of meaning since many times the speakers of Cockney and Bahasa Binan shifted the function of the onomatopoeia words. Table 3.11: The Blueprint of Conversions in Language X Language Word Part of Speech Meaning Part of Speech Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan 57 Table 3.11 was the table used to analyse the process of conversion in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The process of conversion required the writer to identify the words that performed two functions of part of speech. Therefore, the writer developed the columns of part of speech and meaning in order to see whether the difference in part of speech influenced the meanings of the words or not. The writer developed two columns of part of speech and two columns of meanings so that the writer could compare the functions of the words both in Cockney and Bahasa Binan separately. Table 3.12: The Blueprint of Metaphorical Extensions in Language X Languages Word Actual Meaning Extended Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.12 was to analyse the process of metaphorical extension in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer provided the columns of actual meaning and extended meanings since the analysis of metaphorical extension was related to identifying the extended scope of meaning of words. The column of actual meaning aimed at accommodating the meaning before the modification of the words took place while the column of the extended meaning aimed at accommodating the meanings of the words after the modification. Therefore, the writer could see both the unextended meanings and the extended meanings of the words in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. 58 Table 3.13: The Blueprint of Broadenings in Language X Language Word Actual Meaning Broadened Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.13 was used to analyse the process of broadening in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer developed the columns of actual meaning and broadened meaning to see the differences before and after the meanings were broadened. By doing so, the writer could determine whether the words performed the process of broadening or not. Table 3.14: The Blueprint of Narrowings in Language X Language Word Actual Meaning Narrowed Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.14 was used to analyse the process of narrowing in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. As it happened in the process of broadening analysis, the writer also provided the column of actual meaning and narrowed meaning. These columns aimed at helping the writer to see the differences of the word meanings before and after they were narrowed. 59 Table 3.15: The Blueprint of Semantic Drifts in Language X Language Word Meaning Scope of Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer developed Table 3.15 in order to analyse the process of semantic drift in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The process of semantic drift required the writer to analyse the meanings of the words that could only be applied for certain contexts. Therefore, the writer developed the columns of meaning as well as the scope of the meaning. Table 3.16: The Blueprint of Reversals in Language X Language Word Actual Meaning Reversed Meaning Cockney Bahasa Binan Table 3.16 was used to analyse the process of reversal in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer developed the columns of actual meaning and reversed meaning so that the writer could compare the meanings of the words before and after they were reversed. By knowing that information, the writer was able to determine whether the meanings of the words changed into positive or negative. 60 Table 3.17: The Blueprint of Derivational and Inflectional Morphology in Language X Language Word Meaning Morphology Type of Affix Cockney Bahasa Binan The writer employed the same format of table to analyse the processes of derivational morphology and inflectional morphology as seen in Table 3.17. The writer developed the morphological process column in order to give the information on the process of derivation or inflection. By knowing the process, the writer was able to know the affixes employed and identify the affixation type.

4. Integrating and Summarizing the Data