Data Sources Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


B. Data Sources

The writer used documents in the form of dictionaries as the main sources of generating the data. The writer used the dictionary of Cockney compiled by Duncan Wherrett 2009 entitled A Dictionary of Cockney Rhyming Slang published by “A Publication.” Meanwhile, in order to generate the data of Bahasa Binan, the writer used Kamus Bahasa Gay by Agung Soedjono, Ibhoed and Adi Wahono 1995 published by “Penerbit Gaya Nusantara.” There were 651 words in the dictionary of Cockney and 341 words in the dictionary of Bahasa Binan. The writer believed that the number of words in both dictionaries was enough because the words best depicted the prevalent use of words by the active speakers of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer found that those dictionaries were the sole dictionaries that were published officially and they contained some justifiable words usages and contexts that helped the writer to analyse the process of word formation. Therefore, the number of words on both dictionaries was eligible to be observed.

C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The writer basically did not employ any processes of gathering the data because essentially the data had been generated by the authors of the dictionaries. Thus, the writer solely relied on the data in the chosen dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. There were some considerations from the writer to choose the dictionaries. 48 The first consideration was the accessibility. In fact, the writer found no printed dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan sold in public when the study was conducted. Therefore, the writer decided to download the dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan from the Internet. Duncan Wherrett was in fact one of the notable compilers of Cockney dictionaries that were sold on the Internet while Agung Soedjono, Ibhoed and Adi Wahono were some Bahasa Binan dictionary compilers that worked in a notable gay organization in Indonesia, namely GAYa Nusantara. The second consideration was the contextual meanings provided in the dictionaries. In fact, both dictionaries provided reliable contextual meanings and the word uses in phrases. The contextual word meanings and word usages enabled the writer to know the daily use of the words and eased the writer to see the phenomena of word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Besides employing dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan, the writer also employed library study. The writer essentially followed the theories of word formation by Akmajian, et al. 2001 and O’Grady, et al. 2010. Therefore, most of the time the analysis of the word formation processes in Cockney and Bahasa Binan was based on the description of word formation theories cited from those respective linguists.

D. Data Analysis Technique