Blend in Cockney and Bahasa Binan


e. Blend in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

Blend is defined as the process of word formation in which a new word is formed by joining two already existing words Fromkin, 2003. Unfortunately, the writer did not find any cases of blend in the dictionary of Cockney. However, the case of blend in Bahasa Binan appeared in some words although the number of blends was not as massive as other types of word formation in Bahasa Binan. Through the dictionary of Bahasa Binan analysis, the writer only found five words that could be regarded as blend words in Bahasa Binan. The three words are described in Table 4.10. Table 4.10: Blend in Bahasa Binan Word Extension Meaning dubes duta besar love to have anal sex peltu nempel metu easy to get ejaculatedturned on sertu geser metu easy to get ejaculatedturned on The three words in Table 4.10 describe the phenomenon of blend in Bahasa Binan. It was seen that all blend words in Table 4.10 did not follow the common process of blend words described by O’Grady, et al. 2010. O’Grady, et al. 2010 describe that usually the speakers of language would take the first and the last part of the words to make a blend word. However, the words dubes, peltu, and sertu did not fulfill the nature of blend described by O’Grady, et al. 2010. Although they did not follow the common characteristics of blending words proposed by O’Grady, et al. 2010, the writer still included the words into 85 blend words. This decision was taken because the words were constituted from two or some existing words in Bahasa Indonesia. This fact could be seen by considering the extension of the blend words in Bahasa Binan such as dubes, which was constituted from the words duta besar or peltu, which was formed by combining the words nempel and metu. The fact that those words were constituted from two already existing words lead the writer to conclude that most of the blend cases in Bahasa Binan appeared abnormally and tended to follow the characteristics of blend words in Bahasa Indonesia. When usually the speakers formed the blend words by taking the initial and the final parts of the two already existing words in a language, the speakers of Bahasa Binan did not go that way. The speakers of Bahasa Binan tended to pick up solely the initial parts or the final parts of the existed words in the source languages without any exact processes to follow. Some blends that took the sole initial parts in Bahasa Binan were dubes and gondes, which consisted of the words gondrong and desa, while some blends that took the final parts were peltu and sertu. The speakers of Bahasa Binan were also open to other languages other than its source language, which was Bahasa Indonesia. This fact could be seen in the words peltu and sertu. The word peltu was basically constituted from the Javanese words nempel and metu. The same case also happened to the word sertu, which was taken from Javanese words geser and metu. Both of the words actually denoted the activity of having sex in which the sperm came up as soon as the penetration took place. Therefore, it could be concluded that the semantic shift or 86 the meaning shift also happened in the case of blend in Bahasa Binan in order to avoid the lay people to understand the speech. Another example of blend word with semantic shift was the word dubes. In Bahasa Indonesia, the word dubes actually referred to “an ambassador” of a country. However, the speakers of Bahasa Binan shifted the meaning of dubes into “somebody that loves to have anal sex” because the initial part of the word rhymed with the word dubur, which meant “anal.” This case revealed how intelligent the speakers of Bahasa Binan were because they were not only able to shift the meaning of the word but also to shift the impression of the words so that the word that was actually regarded negative or rude by the society could be freely used by shifting the meaning of the words.

f. Generified Word in Cockney and Bahasa Binan