Research Problem Problem Limitation

4 include the discussion of word formation processes through affixation, morphological modification, and meaning modification of Cockney. In this study, the writer tries to see the processes of word formation by studying the affixation, morphological modification, and meaning modification of Cockney. Another difference between the studies is the scope of the study as Koudelkova 2012 includes the description of Cockney in term of its phonology and its syntax. In her study, she also makes an attempt to review the previous social perception of Cockney and the current social perception of Cockney. Therefore, most of time Koudelkova 2012 discusses the general nature of Cockney. The writer also found some similarities and differences between this study and the study of Bahasa Binan that was conducted by Dede Oetomo 2001. In his study, Oetomo 2001 discusses the nature of Bahasa Binan seen from the perspective of sociolinguistics. In terms of word morphology, Oetomo 2001 divides Bahasa Binan into seven categories. However, Oetomo 2001 does not elaborate the description of word formation processes according to the types of general word formation processes, namely affixation, word modification, and meaning modification.

B. Research Problem

The limited source of information on Cockney and Bahasa Binan encourages the writer to enrich the literature on the word formation of the language variations. There is one research question in this study, i.e., “how do the 5 processes of word formation happen in Cockney and Bahasa Binan?” Cockney and Bahasa Binan are chosen because both language variations in fact share some similarities in nature. The writer sees that basically Cockney and Bahasa Binan essentially emerge as a medium of communication for specific users. Cockney primarily performed as a secret language for criminal community in London while Bahasa Binan performed as a secret language for transgender community in Indonesia Oetomo, 2001. Both language variations then happen to be language variations that are not specifically used by the initial speakers as nowadays many lay people are also tempted to use the languages in their daily speech. The similarities on the initial speakers and speakers’ shift of Cockney and Bahasa Binan encourage the writer to conduct the analysis of word formation processes of both language variations. The writer would like to see how the processes of word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan basically happen so that it tempts the lay people to use the language variations in their daily speech.

C. Problem Limitation

This research is limited to only focus on the morphological phenomenon of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. In other words, it could be said that this study does not cover the discussion of other linguistic branches, such as phonology and syntax of both language variations. Therefore, this study does not elaborate the language variations nature in term of their sounds and sentences or even the languages use. 6 This study only covers the morphology of both language variations that focuses on the word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer divides the discussion of this study into three parts, namely affixation, word modification, and meaning modification according to the theories of word formation proposed by Akmajian, et al. 2001 and O’Grady, et al. 2010. The writer uses the entries in dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan as the primary data and analyzes some supporting documents, such as books, journals, and theses on morphology, Bahasa Binan, and Cockney.

D. Research Objective