Si- Variation -ong Variation -es Variation -i Variation

39 namely phonological change process in which the words are taken from local dialects or Bahasa Indonesia and the process of neologisms that include borrowing process and semantic shift process. Oetomo 2001 says that there are at least seven variations of Bahasa Binan. The seven variations of Bahasa Binan according to Oetomo 2001 are described in the explanations below.

a. Si- Variation

The first variation of Bahasa Binan is called si-variation. This variation was developed in Surabaya, Malang, Semarang, Yogyakarta and some areas where the strong influence of Javanese culture could be found easily. Some Bahasa Binan words that are regarded as si-variation words are siban and sihom. From the words siban and sihom, it is seen that the si- addition constitutes new words in Bahasa Binan by adding si- to the base words banci, which means “transvestite,” and homo, which means “gay” in English.

b. -ong Variation

The second variation of Bahasa Binan is called -ong variation. This variation is formed by adding -ong to the base words that are taken from Bahasa Indonesia. Oetomo 2001 claims that this variation was initially found in all the areas that were strongly influenced by the speakers of Bahasa Indonesia in Jakarta. He then continues that in order to form words through -ong variation, the speakers are required to add -ong to the last syllable and change the letters found in the previous syllable into “e.” This phenomenon can be seen in the word hemong, which is rooted from the word homo or “gay.” 40

c. -es Variation

According to Oetomo 2001, the variation of -es is actually the variation that shares the same rules to -ong variation. The speakers of the language are only required to change the last syllable of the base words with -es and change the letters of the previous said syllable with the letter “e.” Therefore, it allows the speakers to have lekes and hemes instead of lekong and hemong.

d. -i Variation

According to Oetomo 2001, the -i variation does not allow the speakers to add the affix -i to all base words. It instead only happens to some selected words in Bahasa Indonesia. Some Bahasa Binan words that employ the -i variation are kenti and penti. Oetomo 2001 says that in order to form words through the -i variation, the speakers are required to select words and employ the addition of -i to the final syllables and change the letters of the first syllables of the base words with the letter “e.” Therefore, the speakers could form the words kenti and penti to mean kontol or “dick” and pantat or “ass.”

e. -in- variation