Research Objective Research Benefits

6 This study only covers the morphology of both language variations that focuses on the word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The writer divides the discussion of this study into three parts, namely affixation, word modification, and meaning modification according to the theories of word formation proposed by Akmajian, et al. 2001 and O’Grady, et al. 2010. The writer uses the entries in dictionaries of Cockney and Bahasa Binan as the primary data and analyzes some supporting documents, such as books, journals, and theses on morphology, Bahasa Binan, and Cockney.

D. Research Objective

This study has two purposes to accomplish. The research objective is to describe the processes of word formation happening in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. The study bases its data on the dictionary of Cockney by Wherrett 2010 and the dictionary of Bahasa Binan by Soedjono, Ibhoed and Wahono 1995. Therefore, the words analysed in the study are solely from the both dictionaries. Another purpose of this study is to help the lay people to know some language variations among them. By having adequate understanding on Cockney and Bahasa Binan, the lay people could have another choice of using languages besides the official languages or dialects and use the language variations in their daily activities appropriately. Furthermore, this study also aims at enriching the literature on both language variations. 7

E. Research Benefits

This research is conducted to give some beneficial contributions to English learners, linguists, and other researchers. 1. English Learners The writer would like to firstly give the honor of the benefits of conducting this study to the development of information on morphology to the English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia. The study aims to enrich the information on word formation processes of some common language variations around the students, such as Cockney and Bahasa Binan. This study also aims to give the alternative materials of word formation processes as usually the learning materials are taken from Swahili, Tagalog, and Arabic, which the students are not familiar with. By having Cockney and Bahasa Binan as one of the learning sources, the students will find it easier to have the essence of word formation processes in morphology since they have been familiar with both language variations. 2. Linguists By conducting this study, the writer hopes that the results can enrich the literature to help the linguists conducting their studies on Cockney and Bahasa Binan especially on the word formation. The writer also hopes that the results can deepen the knowledge of the speakers and the lay people about the language variations around them. Hopefully, the results of the study also contribute to the sustainable development of the languages and to develop the speakers’ sense of language belonging higher. 8 3. Other Researchers The writer hopes that the results of the study could bridge other researchers to conduct other depth studies on word formation. By having the information on word formation processes of Cockney and Bahasa Binan, the writer hopes that the information would help other researchers to analyze other fields in Cockney and Bahasa Binan, such as phonology and grammar as both fields are closely related to morphology of the words.

F. Definition of Terms