Change in Part of Speech Conversion Metaphorical Extension Broadening

32 “resurrection” appear Fromkin, et al. 2003. In fact, it is hardly found the examples of backformation in Bahasa Indonesia. The speakers of Bahasa Indonesia often clip the words rather than backformed the words, such as demo, which is clipped from demonstrasi. 15 Onomatopoeia Akmajian, et al. 2001 say that onomatopoeias are the words to describe the sounds of nature. Some popular onomatopoeias in English are “meow” and “boom.” In fact, the word “meow” is always used to describe the sound of a cat or a kitten. The same case also happens to the word “boom,” which is used to describe the sound that is really severe, such as bomb or dynamite. Some popular onomatopoeia words in Bahasa Indonesia are kukuruyuk and meong, which are used to describe the sound of cocks and cats.

3. Changing the Meaning of Words

According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, there are several ways of forming the words through changing the meaning of the words, namely changing the part of speech or word category, extending to a new domain metaphorical extension, broadening the scope of words, narrowing the scope of words, restricting the more general compositional meaning of the complex word semantic drift, and reversal. The six ways of changing the meaning of words are described as follows.

a. Change in Part of Speech Conversion

According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, conversion is a word modification that is done by changing the part of speech or word category. Conversion allows the 33 speakers to use a certain word regardless the part of speech of the word without adding the affixes. One of the conversion words in English is the noun “ponytail,” which can also role as a verb “to ponytail.” The case of conversion in Bahasa Indonesia happens rarely. This fact is driven by the basic nature of Bahasa Indonesia that always needs affixes to form a verb from a noun or vice versa. One of the words that can be regarded as a conversion word is cangkul, which can perform both as a noun and as a verb.

b. Metaphorical Extension

According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, the process of metaphorical extension happens when the speakers of a language extend the meaning of certain words or expressions in a recognizable way since the language they speak does not seem to have the right expression for certain purposes. According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, the word “sail” previously only refers to the action of “sailing” in the ocean. However, the speakers of English then extend the use of “sail” or “sailing” so that it does merely convey the sense of “sailing in the ocean.” Thus, this allows the speaker to have “spaceship” although the word basically does not have any relation to the ocean. The word berlayar in Bahasa Indonesia actually also undergoes the process of metaphorical extension. In fact, the word berlayar is not only used in the context of ocean. It is instead widely used in any kinds of context other than ocean, such as berlayar di lautan ilmu. 34

c. Broadening

Broadening is the way that basically also puts the existing words in a language to the new uses. In this case, the uses of the words become broader than before Akmajian, et al., 2001. The word “cool” is an example of this concept. According to Akmajian, et al. 2001, “cool” was previously used to describe a specific artistic style of jazz. However, nowadays the word “cool” is not only used to describe something in the music field but also anything that is conceivable. One of the words in Bahasa Indonesia that undergoes that process of broadening is Ibu. Previously, the word Ibu was only used to refer to the biological mothers. However, nowadays, the word Ibu is used miscellaneously to all women who are older than the speaker or the women who are honored in the society.

d. Narrowing