Acronym in Cockney and Bahasa Binan Alphabetic Abbreviation or Initialism in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

77 Table 4.7: Coined Word in Bahasa Binan Word Part of Speech Meaning akika noun I ampar noun nothingok hombreng adjective gayhomo While the explanation above describes the phenomenon of coined word in Cockney, Table 4.7 describes the phenomenon of coined word in Bahasa Binan. The decision to include the words akika, ampar, and hombreng were taken because the words did not exist in the dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia. Other than that reason, the words also had different pronunciations and meanings to any other words either in the source language or other languages that were consecutively regarded as the influential languages of Bahasa Binan such as Javanese, Betawinese, and other local dialects in Indonesia. Moreover, the words akika, ampar, and hombreng also did not fulfill the rule of the seven variations of word formation in Bahasa Binan by Oetomo 2010. Therefore, the writer concluded that the word akika, ampar, and hombreng were the coined words in Bahasa Binan.

b. Acronym in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

O’Grady, et al. 2010 define acronyms as the words that consist of the initial letters of several words. Fromkin 2003 adds that usually the acronyms are pronounced as independent lexemes. Therefore, it is quite difficult to differentiate the actual words and the acronyms. The only thing that can determine whether a word is acronym or a real word is the way of writing the word. Many times acronyms are written in capitals such as UNICEF and ABRI. 78 Unfortunately, the writer found no acronyms in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. However, the writer did not limit the probability that Cockney and Bahasa Binan had the acronyms in their daily usages. This was simply due to the fact that there were many acronyms in English and Bahasa Indoneisa, such as FAQ and ABRI.

c. Alphabetic Abbreviation or Initialism in Cockney and Bahasa Binan

The alphabetic abbreviations are the opposite of acronyms. Although alphabetic abbreviations consist of the initial letters of several independent words, alphabetic abbreviations are not pronounced as the independent lexemes. Unfortunately, the writer did not find any alphabetic abbreviations in the dictionary of Cockney. The writer instead found four alphabetic abbreviations used by the speakers of Bahasa Binan. The four words were ATM, BBC, PY, and cuci WC. The word ATM and BBC were basically constituted from several existing words either in English or Bahasa Indonesia. The word ATM was the alphabetic abbreviations of Anjungan Tunai Mandiri. The word ATM employed the initial letters of the words Anjungan, Tunai, and Mandiri in Bahasa Indonesia. Thus, the word ATM enabled the speakers Bahasa Indonesia to pronounce the initiated words easily. The same case also happened to the word BBC, which stood for the words “British Broadcasting Corporation,” and the word cuci WC, which stood for the words cuci “Water Closet.” However, the process of alphabetic abbreviations in Bahasa Binan did not end there. In fact, the speakers of Bahasa Binan employed the semantic shift in 79 order to avoid the lay people to understand the speech of the speakers. The writer found that the word ATM was shifted to mean “miscellaneous” in Bahasa Binan. It could actually be understood by analyzing the nature of ATM that was miscellaneously found around the cities. The fact of the miscellaneous occurrence of “ATM” became the basic reason of why the speakers of Bahasa Binan employed the word “ATM” to mean “miscellaneous.” The word BBC also happened similarly to the word ATM. In Bahasa Binan, the word BBC meant “pedicab driver.” Literally, the word BBC indeed did not have any relation to the word “pedicab driver.” However, the speakers of Bahasa Binan employed the word BBC to mean “pedicab driver” simply because of the occurrence of the letters “b” and “c” in the words becak and BBC. Therefore, the reason of using BBC was not because BBC shared the same nature of becak but it was because the word BBC shared the same letter “b” and “c” to the word becak. The word PY found in the dictionary of Bahasa Binan turned out to share different characteristic from the word ATM or BBC. Once O’Grady, et al. 2001 state that alphabetic abbreviation actually shares the same characteristics to acronyms. One of the common characteristics is the nature of alphabetic abbreviations and acronyms that consist of the initial letters of the words. Another similar characteristic between alphabetic abbreviations and acronyms is the way of writing as both alphabetic abbreviations and acronyms are written in capitals. However, the word PY in Bahasa Binan turned out to only fulfill one characteristic of acronyms. PY in fact only fulfilled the criterion of being written 80 in capitals. However, the word did not consist of the initial letters of some existing words. PY was derived from the Javanese word payu and the speakers of Bahasa Binan appeared to use the letters “p” and “y” to replace the word payu in Javanese. The second reason for the writer to include PY as one of the alphabetic abbreviations in Bahasa Binan was because the word was the short form of the word PY. The writer believed that there were no words written in capitals unless the words were alphabetic abbreviations or acronyms. Since the word PY did not fulfill the criterion to be pronounced as a single word, the word then was not an acronym.

d. Clipping in Cockney and Bahasa Binan