42 words in Bahasa Indonesia. Some of the examples of the free mixing words are endang and tinta, which are used to mean enak, which means “delicious,” and tidak, which means “no.” Another thing that needs to be discussed in relation to Bahasa Binan might be Bahasa Gaul since both of them sound alike and employ some similar words. Although they share many similarities, they are actually different in terms of the interlocutors. Bahasa Gaul is actually developed after Bahasa Binan is prominently used by many people. As it is cited from the work of Oetomo 2001 and Boellstorff 2004, Bahasa Gaul is Bahasa Binan that is used by the lay people other than transvestite and transgender in Indonesia after the emergence of Bahasa Binan. Therefore, it can be concluded that Bahasa Gaul is a variation of Bahasa Binan that is widely used by the lay people that have already been influenced by the primary dissemination of Bahasa Binan through broadcasting media.

B. Theoretical Framework

This part aims to lead the discussion to the systematical order in answering the research question. This part is also used to help the readers see the main line of this study in using the theories presented in the theoretical description. This study aims to answer the research question “how do the processes of word formation happen in Cockney and Bahasa Binan?” In answering the research question, the writer bases the study mostly on the theories on word formation, Cockney, and Bahasa Binan. To scrutinize the issue on word formation, the writer uses the theory 43 proposed by Adrian Akmajian, Richard A. Demers, Ann K. Farmer and Robert M. Harnish 2001, William O’Grady, John Archibald, Mark Aronoff, and Janie Ress- Miller 2010 and some other linguists on language morphology. From the process of scrutinizing the theories, it is found that there are at least three main types of word formation. The first type deals with the addition of affixes. There are three kinds of affix additions in language, namely prefix addition, infix addition, and suffix addition. The second type of word formation deals with the word modification. It is found that there are 15 types of word modification, namely coined words, acronyms, alphabetic abbreviations, clippings, blends, generified words, proper nouns, borrowings, internal changes, suppletions, reduplications, tone placements, cliticizations, backformations, and onomatopoeia. The last type of word modification is related to the meanings of words and how actually the meanings are viewed as a flexible medium to fulfill the needs of the speakers’ communication. The process of meaning modification in fact includes conversion, metaphorical extension, broadening, narrowing, semantic drift, and reversal. All of the types of morphological word formation are elaborated to help the readers see the casual patterns or processes of the word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan in discrete view. This also aims to help the readers to see the similarities and differences of the word formation in Cockney and Bahasa Binan as well as to help the readers to compare and contrast the word formation processes in both languages. In elaborating the processes of word formation, the writer mostly compares the pattern of word formation of Cockney and Bahasa Binan to the source 44 languages, namely English and Bahasa Indonesia as the speakers of Cockney and Bahasa Binan usually form the new words by adapting the existing words in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Related to the nature of Cockney and Bahasa Binan, most of the time the writer uses the previous studies in the forms of books, journals, theses, and dissertations, such as those that are written by Koudelkova 2012 and Dede Oetomo 2001. The description of the word formation processes in both languages aims to determine what actually the types of word formation that are fundamentally used by the two languages are. The description also helps the reader to see how other languages in the processes of word formation can affect a certain language. In this study, the writer also describes English morphology and Bahasa Indonesia morphology because the description actually allows the reader to see how Cockney and Bahasa Binan act to the major languages surrounding them.


This part explains the methodology used by the writer to conduct the study. This part includes several things to elaborate, such as research method, source of data, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

This part aims to elaborate the method and the nature of this study. Wray 1998, p. 122 states that morphology is the study of linguistics that deals with the formation of words. This research aimed at identifying the processes of word formation that happen in Cockney and Bahasa Binan. Therefore, the nature of this study was essentially morphological analysis. In order to support the morphological analysis, the writer employed qualitative method. Qualitative research basically could include some studies in linguistics, such as syntax, morphology, and phonology in language. Some other fields of linguistics that were also included in qualitative research are discourse analysis and linguistic ethnography Litosseliti, 2010, p. 117. This study gives more attempts to elaborate the processes of word formation in the form of process description. Qualitative research as a research that deals with the relationship, activities, or materials Fraenkel, 1993, p. 380. He continues that qualitative research 45