Reef Fisheries Economic Utility Estimation

Tabel 17. Regression coefficient of catch reef fisheries resources in Kapoa, Waonu and Tongali Villages. Kapoa Village Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95 Upper 95 Intercept b -0.29031 0.3637 -0.79829 0.42899 -1.0232 0.442609 Price b 1 -1.01336 0.0271 -37.3528 5.77E-35 -1.0680 -0.95868 Age b 2 -0.01258 0.0262 -0.47939 0.00340 -0.0655 0.040314 Education b 3 0.037111 0.0336 1.10321 0.02759 -0.0307 0.104905 Dependent b 4 -0.03286 0.013 -2.51031 0.01581 -0.0592 -0.00648 Income b 5 1.033752 0.0191 54.04 7.15E-42 0.9952 1.072305 Waonu Village Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95 Upper 95 Intercept b 0.1239 0.2985 0.415194 0.6800 -0.4777 0.7256 Price b 1 -1.0023 0.01074 -93.2986 3.25E-52 -1.0240 -0.981 Age b 2 0.0532 0.01921 2.771011 0.00812 0.0145 0.0919 Education b 3 0.0197 0.01464 1.345457 0.00537 -0.0098 0.0492 Dependent b 4 0.0034 0.01026 0.335595 0.00877 -0.0172 0.0241 Income b 5 0.9733 0.01772 54.92977 3.52E-42 0.9376 1.009 Tongali Village Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95 Upper 95 Intercept b 1.4846 0.68001 2.183178 0.0344 0.1141 2.85505 Price b 1 -1.0086 0.04377 -22.9977 8.63E-26 -1.0948 -0.91824 Age b 2 -0.1175 0.07063 -1.66368 0.00329 -0.2599 0.02484 Education b 3 -0.0582 0.05327 1.767514 0.00424 -0.0148 0.2242 Dependant b 4 0.0907 0.054171 1.674794 0.00107 -0.0184 0.1999 Income b 5 0.9260 0.035049 26.42119 1.25E-28 0.8554 0.99666 Sumber : Data primer diolah 2010 The find value of usefulness utility and consumer surplus for the total direct use of coral reef ecosystems that could otherwise be identified based on primary data obtained from interviews and processed by a household questionnaire to fill fishermen using 9.5 software. Consumer surplus represents the difference between the price paid to acquire goods or services willingness to pay than the average amount of reef fish resources requested multiplied by the price per unit of resources consumed The results of regression analysis in Table 18 above, then proceed with the calculation of consumer surplus to assess the direct benefits of reef fish. Calculation of economic valuation of coral reef resources in the waters of Island Village Kadatua Waonu to benefit coral reefs that can be felt directly by the public. More results obtained from the calculation of consumer surplus can be seen in Table 19. Tabel 18. Estimation of consumer surplus of reef fish ecosystem resources No Village Name Type of utilization Average Q Kg Utility IDR Consumen Surplus IDR 1. Kapoa Reef fish 71.90 6.157204158 10 7 6.075788591 10 7 2. Waonu Reef fish 64.16 2.264245735 10 7 2.258981164 10 7 3. Tongali Reef fish 66.24 8.277645712 10 7 8.207064954 10 7 Jumlah 202.3 16.699095606 10 7 16.541834709 10 7 Source : Primary data proces 2010 The table above shows that the value of the benefit utility, the largest of reef fish utilization of IDR. 82,776,457.12 with a consumer surplus of IDR. 82,070,649.54 value derived from the direct use of coral reefs in the three villages with consumer demand for a monthly average of 202.3 kg month. Then the value of the benefit utility for the utilization of coral reef fish Kapoa Village of IDR. 61,572,041.58 with a consumer surplus of IDR. 60,757,885.91 with an average demand of consumers to 71.90 kg month. While a very small village Waonu, the value of the benefit utility to IDR. Consumer surplus 22,642,457.35 USD. 22,589,811.64 with an average demand for 64.16 kg month. Consumer surplus value reef fish catch and economic value of total demand based on the benefits utility from the public to catch on coral reefs in the Village Kapoa, Waonu and Tongali. Demand curve based on consumer utility is presented in Figure 18, 19 and 20. Coral reef ecosystems have economic value is based on the calculation of benefits and cost utilization. Based on the typology of the total economic value of ecosystems has a value of direct and indirect benefits. Immediate benefits that can be judged from the presence of coral reef ecosystems is coral fisheries. While the indirect benefits such as ecological services environmental services such as the ability to absorb carbon, retaining the wave. This limits the study estimates only based on direct benefits to the productivity of coral fishery has a market value market based of reef fish. Figure 18. Consumer demand curve of coral reef ecosystems in the Village Tongali Figure 18. Consumer demand curve of coral reef ecosystems in the Village Kapoa P P Figure 20. Consumer demand curve of coral reef ecosystems in the Village Waonu Estimating the economic value of resources is an attempt to assess the benefits and costs of environmental resources is commonly called economic valuation. Economic valuation of fisheries resources devoted to the utilization of coral reef fish in a sustainable manner through estimating the total economic value. The amount of economic value are appropriate instruments to calculate the catch of reef fish on the coral reef ecosystem as a result of the utilization of reef fishery resources. The picture above P is the price of the catch per month and the average variable Q scale per kg. The greater the number of catches, the greater the scale of the average price. Value based on the results of the calculation of Maple 9.5, can be estimated consumer surplus per month from each village can be seen in Table 20. So the Total Economic Value NET of the direct benefits from the use of fisheries reef resources is Kapoa Village, Waonu Village and Tongali Village amounted to Rp. 11,579,106.17, USD. 43,051,173.27 and USD. 15,640,846.46 per month. When converted into income per year for each village, then the Total Economic Value NET Tongali Village Rp. 187,690,157.52, Waonu Village Rp 516,614,079.24 and Kapoa villages. 138,949,274.04 year. The amount of total P economic value of the three villages for the Island Conservation Area Liwutongkidi Rp. 843,253,510.80 year Table 20. Table 19. The amount of total economic value NET month and NET year No Village Name NET Month Rp NET Year Rp 1. Kapoa 11.579.106,17 138.949.274,04 2. Waonu 43.051.173,27 516.614.079,24 3. Tongali 15.640.846,46 187.690.157,52 Revenue 843.253.510,80 Source : Primary data proces 2010 Total economic value of reef fisheries are calculated directly from the direct use value to coastal communities. utilization of the most dominant and most valuable is the magnitude of the results can be obtained from the fishery resource which is supported by coral reef ecosystems and the estimation results of the calculation is USD 15.000.-hayear often used by LIPI and DKP. If the environment is not friendly utilization excessive or will result in damage or destruction of coral reefs in the waters, then resources will lose the economic potential of approximately Rp. 1.3 billion, the exchange rate is assumed to be the U.S. dollar. 1 is Rp. 10.000, Based on the international conference Global Biodiversity Conference held in Cape Town South Africa on 13 to 16 October 2009 with the utilization of reef fisheries ecosystem to estimate the total economic value of coral reefs as ecosystem services around U.S. 129.200ha year. If the outcome of the conference as a benchmark to assess the utilization of coastal ecosystems, the use of coral reef fisheries in island ecosystems Liwutongkidi, Island and Island Kadatua Siompu with an average of 46.92 coral cover are categorized. It can be assumed from the damage percent to cover the coral reefs have been fishing kehilanagn economic value of Rp. 179 924 808 896 year. Coral reefs in the identification of resources that have high conservation value because it has high biodiversity, beauty and provide a backup source of nutfa plasma Sawyer 1992 at Dahuri 2003. The role of natural resources is essential for life turned out in their utilization is often used in ways that are less wise. This is reflected in the attitudes and behavior in the extract by using the pattern of utilization of environmentally unfriendly. In addition, Cesar 2000 reported the mass arrest practices with explosives and cyanide in Indonesia. The reason is the high demand for reef fish, especially species of grouper and Napoleon wrasse fish. With a high market value ranges from USD 60-180 per kilo has been leading the hunt for reef fish in almost all Indonesian waters. As a result of such destructive behavior is unavoidable degradation of natural resources is checked. One of the natural resources in these conditions is the coral reef ecosystem. Currently there is a change in utilization patterns of coral reef ecosystems. Utilization is generally no change in the pattern for the better but on the use of destructive patterns by not based on the sustainability of ecosystems such as overfishing, the use of bombs, the use of drugs, trapping and coral mining. This study may provide a warning to us that development and economic growth, if not done carefully there will be drain able to supply natural resources. This in turn could hinder further economic growth. Therefore, the use of natural resources in the context of development must be done wisely. Fish is one form of renewable natural resources or have properties that can recover be able to renew themselves. In addition to the renewable nature, according to Widodo and Nurhakim 2002, fishery resources in general will have the nature of open access and common property which means the use is open to anyone and ownership of a general nature. Resource properties like this raise some consequences, among others: 1. Without the management of symptoms will lead to over-exploitation, over- investment and over-employment. 2. The need for property rights, example property rights, community property rights or by private property rights. Problems that occur at the site mentioned above shows that for every potential resource of fish in the waters but are not regulated or no regulation in the field of utilization of fish resources. There will be a potential reduction of fish resources; this will impact on especially fishing gear fishing business. 5.6. Modeling Analysis of Reef Fisheries 5.6.1. Description Model and Conception Modeling system begins with trying to understand how the real world and pour it into a model with a variety of existing methods. The model assesses the extent to which models can be useful, so the first step in modeling is to determine the purpose of modeling. The model can be made to predict the components of the model after a certain period. The usefulness of the model as a predictive tool lies in the precision and accuracy of prediction. This model can to want to understand the structure and behavior of reef fisheries resources. Sustainable fisheries model consists of two sub-models of ecological and economic models. Both sub-models can interact with each other. This model is also a mixture of the dynamic model sub-models ecology and economics, a relationship between the sub-diagram model can be seen in Figure 21. Figure 21. Sub model of coral reef fisheries ecology and economy

5.6.2. Basic Information Model and Assumptions

The formulation system is built based on mathematical models using equations such as Appendix 10. Based on the analysis on each dimension of ecosystem-based fisheries necessary things that can affect the ecosystem of coral STOK IKAN RECRUI TMEN I NTEREST GROUTH RATE MORTALITY TOTAL PENANGKAPAN NATU RAL MORTALITY KKAPAL MOTOR COST REVENEUS KEUNTUNGAN PER BULAN HARGA PER KG TANGKAPAN PER NELAY AN MUSI M D ENSITY AREA reef fisheries are as follows: i the rate of natural growth of fish populations, ii death due to arrest; iii natural death due to stress, disease or aging; iv the cost per unit of effort, v the price per kg of fish, vi the average of fishery products per month, vii the number of fishing days per month and the number of fishing fleet. Based on the boundaries of the study area is the area a Marine Protected Area Regional liwutongkidi island with an area 262.36 ha. Results of the study population to estimate the carrying capacity of the initial fish biomass can be calculated where W = a L b a and b is a constant length and weight relationships Love 1993. Some researchers join the Organization of Fish Base 2010 and Pauly 1980 argues about the various a = 0.01 and b = 2-3 for demersal fish. So the fish biomass of marine protected areas on the island Liwutongkidi can be calculated. The results of the calculation of the biomass of fish at the study site is 39771.12 kg or 39.77 tones of fish biomass. Calculation of biomass of fish in accordance with the analysis performed Pet- Soede at al, 2001 in Froese and Pauly, 1998, Appendix 11. According Luckof et al. 2005 the natural fish population growth rate between 50-60. The mortality rate is very important in analyzing the dynamics of exploited populations. Natural mortality caused by predation, disease, aging, environmental conditions, the stress associated with the ecosystem and others 0.3. Furthermore, proposed by Gulland 1977 in Pauly 1984 The exploitation of natural level ranged between 0.3 - 0.5 depending on the surrounding environmental conditions. Cost per unit of effort is IDR. 200,000 per month, and the price per kg of fish was IDR. 12,500, the frequency of fishing effort is 20 days fishing per month. With the amount of time when the research 147 both.

5.6.3. Modeling Analysis

Modeling analysis is a process that emphasizes a holistic approach to solving problems and using the model to identify and emulate the characteristics of complex systems and create problem-solving scenarios. The dynamics of this system is very useful to clarify our understanding of the systems that exist in the real world. In circumstances such as systems analysis and simulation is often used to test our hypothesis about how the system works Lane 1994. If we can model