Figure 23. Simulation Graph of recruitment and fish biomass by reducing the number of fishing vessel 0.89 or 131 vessels Fish biomass in a site can be influenced by several factors: food, space habitat and one other factor is the pressure of arrest Royce 1972. High fishing pressure may cause a decrease in population and decrease the average size of fish. If all adult individuals were arrested and failed to mature gonads are no longer spawning fish that supply the children for recruitment. Estimates of fish biomass has an important role as a system of fine tunning in order to capture a bigger catch. Furthermore, it can contribute to the planning of rehabilitation when there are more and raises the level of fishing management strategies during the transition to the use of various methods of capture technology for more efficient and sustainable. In addition to the estimated biomass of fish has a major task in preparing the proper planning of the catch and biomass of the population and try to make predictions about the impact of various management policies are implemented. 1.00 15.75 30.50 45.25 60.00 300000000 600000000 500000000 1e+009. 5000 15000 25000 130 131 132 50000000 200000000 350000000 1: Recruitment 2: Stok Ikan 3: Total …n perbulan 4: Kapal Motor 5: Keunt…n perbulan 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

5.7. Model of Fisheries Management Based on Reef Fish Ecosystem

To achieve an optimum results in fisheries resources management can not be separated from the dynamic system because reef fish ecosystem is very dynamic. Overall, dynamic ecosystem of fisheries resources and human intervention can affect the condition of reef fish resources, either directly or indirectly throughout the year. A management orientation should be focused on problem solving by using scientific method based on physical, biological, socio-economical and cultural communities aspects. Reef fisheries resource management first step is formulating a plan of community-based management. Reef fisheries management plan in protected areas of Liwutongkidi Island, Kadatua Island, and Siompu Island may include supervision and the development of environmental based reef fisheries Zhang et al. 2009. Supervision aims to keep the resources and the aquatic environment to be maintained in sustainable manner, while the development of reef fisheries aims to improve the fishermen’s welfare on reef fish resources by considering environmental carrying capacity Degnbol 2002. To prevent the over-exploitation of reef fish resources commodity, it can be done by establishing several rules which is: 1. Limiting the amount of catch. For coral reef fisheries resource, this way is easy to do because in general, coral reefs biota are living organisms that settled on the bottom benthos or moved in near direction and never leaved the reef, so the number of stock in the ecosystem can be easily calculated. By knowing the amount of stock in the wilderness and regeneration ability, then catches over trip can be estimated. Commodity of reef fisheries including clams, sea cucumbers, ornamental fish, anemones and corals. 2. Organizing catch period. Catch period is need to be done for certain types of coral reef fisheries resources, in order to avoid the captured of species that are in the spawning season. To find out when these species spawn, of course it will need in-depth research on reproductive cycle including gonad maturity and spawning time. 3. Restriction of captured size length weight of individual species. Restriction of captured size is need to be done to ensure that all individuals who were captured had already given birth. It needs to find out the size of individual species that began to spawn. 4. Regulation and supervision of fishing gear operation. By setting the mesh size for example, small fishes that are not economically important are not captured. Bubu, one of fishing gear can damage coral reef habitat by using coral reef as a ballast and camouflage. 5. Application of zoning system. Zoning system will divide the region into zones of coral reefs with different utilization. Including a zone that is closed for temporary time for all types of utilization in order to ensure the preservation of its natural resources, or named by sustainable utilization zone. Community-based coastal resource management can be defined as a process of empowerment, responsibility, and opportunities for local communities to manage their own resources by first defining the needs, desires, goals and aspirations. This community-based resource management also involves assigning responsibility to the community so they can make decision that ultimately determine and affect on their welfare. Management model as mentioned aboved would be more effective if the community of Tongali, Waonu, and Kapoa Islands had an institution in fisheries sector. This institution is functioned as a forum to hold community aspirations in fisheries management. The importance of institutional establishment of fisheries management in coastal village besides of its function to asses community aspirations, also giving an aid and implementation program in the empowerment of coastal communities by governmental or non- governmental agencies. Furthermore, it was stated by Alcala 1998 that a management of reef fishes is a complex matter that related with catch which is the interaction among fish resources, fishing gear and fishing port, so a lot of factors that are interrelated. A management should be able to recover or protect an area from environmental degradation as well as a long-term preservation of resources for sustainability. Therefore the involvement of community as the working agent of fisheries ecosystem management is really necessary so they can be involve and responsible for the success of environmental management in their area.