Model of Fisheries Management Based on Reef Fish Ecosystem

captured had already given birth. It needs to find out the size of individual species that began to spawn. 4. Regulation and supervision of fishing gear operation. By setting the mesh size for example, small fishes that are not economically important are not captured. Bubu, one of fishing gear can damage coral reef habitat by using coral reef as a ballast and camouflage. 5. Application of zoning system. Zoning system will divide the region into zones of coral reefs with different utilization. Including a zone that is closed for temporary time for all types of utilization in order to ensure the preservation of its natural resources, or named by sustainable utilization zone. Community-based coastal resource management can be defined as a process of empowerment, responsibility, and opportunities for local communities to manage their own resources by first defining the needs, desires, goals and aspirations. This community-based resource management also involves assigning responsibility to the community so they can make decision that ultimately determine and affect on their welfare. Management model as mentioned aboved would be more effective if the community of Tongali, Waonu, and Kapoa Islands had an institution in fisheries sector. This institution is functioned as a forum to hold community aspirations in fisheries management. The importance of institutional establishment of fisheries management in coastal village besides of its function to asses community aspirations, also giving an aid and implementation program in the empowerment of coastal communities by governmental or non- governmental agencies. Furthermore, it was stated by Alcala 1998 that a management of reef fishes is a complex matter that related with catch which is the interaction among fish resources, fishing gear and fishing port, so a lot of factors that are interrelated. A management should be able to recover or protect an area from environmental degradation as well as a long-term preservation of resources for sustainability. Therefore the involvement of community as the working agent of fisheries ecosystem management is really necessary so they can be involve and responsible for the success of environmental management in their area.

5.8. Reef Fisheries Sustainability

Development and management of coastal area basically are a process of coastal communities life improvement toward a better capability, especially in social, economical and cultural aspects with science and technology as a tool or working device. In utilizing and managing the sustainability of reef fisheries in coastal areas and the surrounding island of Liwutongkidi will need to consider the carrying capacity, assimilation ability of fish resources related with coastal and inland ecological, economical and social aspects. Sustainability of resources is the key of utilization and management of marine and fisheries resources. However, in the utilization and management of marine and fisheries resources in the three villages for all this time, that require attention are: rapid population growth in coastal areas and require marine resources to meet their needs; many destructive fishing practices by using fishing gear that is not environmental friendly. Most of the villagers in Tongali, Kapoa and Waonu villages are depend on marine resources with the main livelihood as a fishermen. They catch marine resources such as fish, crabs and ornamental fish by using a variety of fishing gear that could destroy and exploit the natural resources. Domination of fishermen activity at sea, including the ability to catch fish is affect on their income and economic welfare. Income of fishing community is still relatively low and varied depend on the season variability whether its east season or west season. To prevent further deterioration of coral reef in protected areas, mainly from the activities of fishing communities, it will required the management of coral reef ecosystem. This management is essentially a process of controlling community action of using natural resources wisely that can be done in accordance with the rules of environmental preservation. Moreover Lowis et al, 1997, to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystem changes, it is necessary to manage sustainability of reef fisheries and restore the condition of coral that had been degraded. This research was showed that development activities had a large impact on coral reef ecosystem, including direct coral destruction through bombing, anchor of a fishing boats, traps and coral mining. However, based on interviews with communities, for fishing activities done in period of 2006-2010, development activities with the largest impact on coral reef ecosystem was in the conservation area of liwutongkidi Island where fishing activities done by using bombs, nets , and traps. Local Marine Protected Area Management is based on the principles of preventing over fishing, managing fishing gear operation, fishing method and environmental based fish farming, community-based management, consideration of local knowledge, and consideration of scientific evidences in accordance with Government Regulation No. 602007 about Conservation on Fish Resources. The utilization of local marine conservation area are prioritized to protect potential marine and fisheries from over-exploitation and to ensure the availability of marine resources in sustainable manner in order to increase community welfare, the development of environmental based aquaculture, marine tourism development, and conservation on coral reef, mangroves, seagrass beds and marine biodiversity potential and to maintain the function of coral reef ecosystem in marine protected areas of Liwutongkidi, Kadatua and Siompu Islands that through this time done destructively given an impact on coral reef ecosystem. Conservation areas on the three islands had been determined by zoning and management of fishing gear operation, but in the implementation was still violating the agreement that has been made among fishing communities, local government and COREMAP II. From the above problems, it is necessary to develop a more specific approach for the beginning of various concepts which is community-based coastal resource management approach. Community-based management can be interpreted as a strategy to achieve development that is centered on people and conducted in an integrated manner by considering institutional law. Local marine conservation area that had been established with village regulation need to be monitored from people’s activity who do not understand the benefits. To ensure the supervision and law enforcement, then the law regarding to marine protected areas should be proclaimed. Law regulation is need to be enforced to provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators who violate the rules of marine protected areas, law enforcement on regulation that have been mutually