Reef Fisheries Sustainability RESULT AND DISCUSSION

with communities, for fishing activities done in period of 2006-2010, development activities with the largest impact on coral reef ecosystem was in the conservation area of liwutongkidi Island where fishing activities done by using bombs, nets , and traps. Local Marine Protected Area Management is based on the principles of preventing over fishing, managing fishing gear operation, fishing method and environmental based fish farming, community-based management, consideration of local knowledge, and consideration of scientific evidences in accordance with Government Regulation No. 602007 about Conservation on Fish Resources. The utilization of local marine conservation area are prioritized to protect potential marine and fisheries from over-exploitation and to ensure the availability of marine resources in sustainable manner in order to increase community welfare, the development of environmental based aquaculture, marine tourism development, and conservation on coral reef, mangroves, seagrass beds and marine biodiversity potential and to maintain the function of coral reef ecosystem in marine protected areas of Liwutongkidi, Kadatua and Siompu Islands that through this time done destructively given an impact on coral reef ecosystem. Conservation areas on the three islands had been determined by zoning and management of fishing gear operation, but in the implementation was still violating the agreement that has been made among fishing communities, local government and COREMAP II. From the above problems, it is necessary to develop a more specific approach for the beginning of various concepts which is community-based coastal resource management approach. Community-based management can be interpreted as a strategy to achieve development that is centered on people and conducted in an integrated manner by considering institutional law. Local marine conservation area that had been established with village regulation need to be monitored from people’s activity who do not understand the benefits. To ensure the supervision and law enforcement, then the law regarding to marine protected areas should be proclaimed. Law regulation is need to be enforced to provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators who violate the rules of marine protected areas, law enforcement on regulation that have been mutually agreed to sign and given sanction to offenders. Sanction that imposed should be in accordance with the recent village rules, should not be added or reduced. If someone is breaking the rules for several times, it needs to be taken to the law officer along with the evidences. The function of law is to create balancing between individual interests and the interests of society in general, so the life of society can be maintained orderly and organize. The role of law as a an equilibrium should be implemented in flexible way, between individuals with the interest of society, between ecological and economic interests, between utilization and resources sustainability interests. The success of community development as part of coastal and marine management is depend on the policies that is taken. Policies that are developed are by involving and considering community interests also by ensuring the successful management of reef fisheries resource. Community involvement is needed because it will produce policies that are conform with potential, aspirations and interests Davis 2008. Policy based on the community potential will encourage community involvement in the utilization and protection of reef fisheries ecosystem. It is also provide two benefits: first, to accommodate the aspirations of coastal and marine management so it would attract the public thus simplifying the structuring process. Second, providing opportunities for communities to take responsibility for coastal and marine safety. Also very important is the effort to increase community welfare importance. To assess the success of sustainable reef fisheries ecosystem are by doing monitoring and evaluation that require information collected periodically, such as information about the ecological impact, coverage and abundance of biota in conservation area. The success of coastal zone management plan in certain region can not be measured, without monitoring and evaluation in coastal zone management. The success is not on the end result, but the result of monitoring and evaluation of an activities that simplified but can be accounted for.


6.1. Conclusion

Based on direct survey result and data analysis and discussed matters, we have derived some conclusions as follows: 1. Coral reef cover in Siompu Island, Liwutongkidi and Kadatua waters showed that its coral reef ecosystem highly supported associated life organism within. Ecologically, coral reef composition for its growth was in good condition for natural recovery. 2. Coral fish community from those three island have medium and high level of biodiversity, while its homogeneity was high with stabile fish community. That kind of condition made its coral fish ecosystem more balance with no dominance from certain coral fish species. 3. Total economical value from direct benefit of coral fisheries resources utilization in Kapoa Village, Waonu Village and Tongali Village were as amount of Rp.11.579.106,17, Rp. 43.051.173,27 and Rp. 15.640.846,46 each month. 4. Modeling comparison from three scenarios could be described in here that Scenario 3 with amount of 131 boats was better than Scenario 1 actual condition and Scenario 2 with amount of 125 boats. Scenario 3 could predict a reciprocal relationship fish biomass between captures amount total and lifetime fish biomass. In early period, captures amount total was increase while biomass decrease, then captures amount total decrease while fish biomass increase till the last month.

6.2. Suggestions

It was suggested to all managed parties and for certain to Buton District government to notice the surveillance on fish captures instruments in conserved areas and it has to be strictly and continuously done in order to achieve a faster fish biomass recovery. REFERENCES Adrianto L. 2004. Ekonomi dan Pengelolaan Mangrove dan Terumbu Karang Pada Program Pasca Sarjana Ekonomi Sumberdaya Kelautan Tropika, Bogor PKSPL-IPB, Adrianto L. 2005. Bahan Pengantar Survey Valuasi Ekonomi Sumberdaya Mangrove. Kerjasama antara Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan, PT. Plarenco dan PKSPL-IPB, Bogor : Juli-Oktober 2005 Adrianto L. 2006. Sinopsis Pengenalan Konsep dan Metodologi Valuasi Ekonomi Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut, diterbitkan oleh PKSPL-IPB, Bogor. Adrianto L. 2009. Memahami pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, Modul Pelatihan Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir Secara Terpadu. Anyer, Maret 2009. Direktorat Jenderal Kelautan, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, DKP Adrim M. 1983. Pengantar studi Ekologi Komunitas Ikan Karang dan Metode Pengkajian Dalam Khursus Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Penentuan Kondisi Terumbu Karang. Puslitbang Oseanologi LIPI. Jakarta Allcala A.C, 1998. Effect of Marine Reserve on Coral Fish Abudance and Yields of Philipina Coral Reef. Ambio Allen Gerald R dan R Steane. 1994. Indo-Pacific Coral reef Field Guide. Tropical Reef Research Allen Gerald. R. 2000. Tropical Reef Fishes of Indonesia. Pariplus Edition HK Ltd. Anonimous, 2009a. Kecamatan Kadatua dalan Angka. Kerjasama Bappeda Kabupaten Buton dengan Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Buton, Bau-Bau Anonimous, 2009b. Kecamatan Siompu dalam Angka. Kerjasama Bappeda Kabupaten Buton dengan Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Buton, Bau-Bau Anonimous 2005. Laporan akhir Survey Detail Pengembangan Ekowisata Bahari Pulau Liwutoangkidi Bappeda Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Anonimous. 2003. Rencana Zonasi Kawasan MCMA Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Pengembangan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil, Kendari