D. Research Questions

1. Has SMK Negeri 1 Bawang from context aspect, applied ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System to Dual System Education Program which is appropriate with quality policy? 2. Has SMK Negeri 1 Bawang from input management in the implementation of dual system education using ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System, fit the input quality standard? 3. Has SMK Negeri 1 Bawang from process aspect, with the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System at dual system education program, been effectively undertaken according to operational plan? 4. Does SMK Negeri 1 Bawang from the product aspect with the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System at dual system education program give effect to student quality improvement? 5. How is the planning of Dual System Education Program with the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang, academic year 20152016? 6. How is the implementation of Dual System Management Program using ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang, academic year 20152016? 7. How is the evaluation of Dual System Education Program using ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang academic year 20152016? 8. How is the internal customer satisfaction level particularly students of accounting program in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang after the implementation of Dual System Education Program? 9. How is the level of external customer satisfaction particularly industrial and business world in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang after the implementation of Dual System Education Program? 10. Does the betterment of Pokja Prakerin performance affect the quality improvement of Dual System Education Program in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang? 80


A. Research Design

This research is included as evaluative research. Evaluation method which is used in this research is method developed by Stufflebeam using Context, Input, Process, Product CIPP approach. This research is aimed to evaluate the implementation of Quality Guarantee System through ISO 9001;2008 standard Quality Management System to Dual System Education Program in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang. The quality evaluation criteria which will be revealed is how the context which is implementation of its policy, input quality which is policy performer, process quality which is decision making through operational plan with the addition of dual system education component filling, and product which is the effect of institution performance on customer satisfaction through continuous improvement. This research uses descriptive and quantitative approach proposed by Sugiyono 2012:38 which can be used together to identify similar object but has different goals. In this research, descriptive research is used to explain the implementation of quality management system toward the principle in ISO 9001:2008 standard and the implementation of Dual System Education DSE in accounting proficiency at SMK Negeri 1 Bawang, whereas the quantitative research is used to find the level of goal accomplishments which are the fulfillment of dual system education component and customer satisfaction in