business world at SMK Negeri 7 Yogyakarta and SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta needs to be improved for the implementation of model 2. The similarity from this research is that it is in the same way of using quantitative descriptive research with survey approach. The analysis technique uses percentage analysis with ideal score from whole respondents, as well as in the same way it discusses prakerin as the form of implementation of dual system education. The difference is that this research is evaluation research using CIPP model and the object is process approach of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System combined with related elements with dual system education program. Moreover, this research also studies the implementation of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System whether it can influence customer satisfaction, particularly for students and industrial as well as business world. the other difference is the research setting and the research sample because this research focuses on students of SMK Negeri 1 Bawang and some industrial and business world cooperated with SMK Negeri 1 Bawang.

C. Theoretical Framework

Quality Management Representative QMR is the independent vice appointed by principal to monitor the quality of academic and non academic service in an educational organization, in this case, school. It is suggested to see the conformance between the real situation whether the quality standard, ISO 9001:2008 and the description of management system for each educational program in that school. This research refers to the implementation of dual system education program as the attempt to accomplish the concept of dual system in educational area. In addition, the decision of standard in ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System expects the commitment from involved parties to apply the ISO 9001:2008 standard Quality Management System principles which are: focusing on customers, leadership, involving manpower, using process approach, using system approach in management, continual improvement, factual approach in making decision, mutually beneficial relationships with the supplier in accordance with quality policy in educational organization. Those things are done in order to fulfill customer satisfaction. In order to fulfill customer satisfaction this is stable from time to time, continual improvement is needed to make it relevant with the level of customer satisfaction. To support that process, schools which implement dual system education are supposed to do evaluation. Evaluation is undertaken to comprehend how far the program proceeds in line with fixed standard which later on, the result of evaluation will become the consideration in order to make decision related to how it is supposed to be in the next year. Evaluation process can be carried out from two sides which are process evaluation and result evaluation. However, this research only focuses on result evaluation because the experts say that it has described or represented the implementation of dual system education program. Based on the explanation above, this research is focused on educational evaluation research according to Stufflebeam concept that is context, input, process, and product CIPP on dual system education program. Research process using Stufflebeam scheme can be elaborated as follows: In context aspect, evaluation is for the commitment of parties who are involved in applying the principles of ISO 9001:2008 Standard Quality Management System using interview instrument. The document of quality consisted of quality policy such as vision, mission, and institution goals will be analyzed. Moreover, there are quality target and work instructionoperational plan at SMK Negeri 1 Bawang in order to achieve the goal of DSE program, customer satisfaction. In input aspect, assessment scheme of ISO 9001:2008 standard emphasizes the conformance of policy in ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System and resource availability at SMK Negeri 1 Bawang such as manpower, educational facility, and documented information system. Manpower resource availability consists of competenceproficiency possessed in organizing an educational program. In process of research, researcher examines whether it is possible, with the resources owned by certain organization, to proceed the operational plan effectively and efficiently in order to achieve quality target determined in DSE program. In process aspect, it emphasizes the conformity of planning, implementing, and evaluating the dual system education process as the attempt to improve student’s knowledge and skills in industrial and business world. In planning, it analyzes whether operational plan which has been decided in dual system education program is elaborated in the real field. Then, in implementation and evaluation process, it finds out whether the process approach of ISO 9001:2008 standard Quality Management System combined with DSE components which are elaborated by Dikmenjur that consists of: educational training, manpower, educational facility, educational management, students, expense, and partner institution can proceed effectively and complete the expectation. The next, in evaluation process, it is going to see and examine about how far the evaluation can be conducted by manpower at SMK Negeri 1 Bawang, particularly in dual system education program. In product aspect, it emphasizes more on the assessment of customer rights which are customer satisfaction through continual development to get the best practice. The rating indicators are the effect of program to students, schools image and organizational performance, and industrial and business world. From that evaluation result, it generates an understanding of leader in making decision. There are three alternative choices in making decision which aim to direct the question of whether implementation of ISO 9001:2008 standard Quality Management System in dual system education program will be undertaken. 1 discontinue, if the implementation of quality management system does not give significant effect toward result improvement of educational program, 2 modify, if the standard or procedure does not give effective and efficient effect about continual improvement in line with quality requirements determined and 3 continue, if the quality management system has effectively and efficiently given effect for output result improvement in accordance with what is expected. The last action is the program development to be able to actualize the vision, mission, goals, and institution strategic plan in SMK Negeri 1 Bawang. Theoretical framework of this evaluative research, is explained as follows: Figure 3. Research Theoretical Framework Modified from Stufflebeam CIPP Model Evaluation Stufflebeam dan Shinkfield, 1984:167 ISO QMS standards of quality policy include Vision, Mission, Goals, Quality Guidelines and managements commitment for principle of QMS Quality Standard of Input Education : Educators, Students, Educational Facilities and Information Systems Impact on improvement of knowledge, student skills, imaging SMK Negeri 1 Bawang, and DSE program performance Education process at DUDI include Common Training and Educational Program, Human Resources , Facility, Educational Managements, Students, Costs, and Partner Institution. Decision Makers IMPROVING QUALITY OF CONTINUOUS ON DUAL SYSTEM EDUCATIO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION STUDENTS AND PARTNER INSTITUTION EVALUATING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ISO 9001:2008 STANDARD QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO THE RESULT OF DUAL SYSTEM EDUCATION PROGRAM AT SMK NEGERI 1 BAWANG Context Evaluation Input Evaluation Process Evaluation Product Evaluation Discontinued d Modified Continued

D. Research Questions