school and school programs in house training will shape characters that can understand the importance of quality compliance and procedures required. Another goal of the school implemented the ISO i.e. increase trust and customer satisfaction through quality assurance are well organized. So with the ISO, will be greatly impacted significantly on the Organizations performance improvement efforts in achieving the gratifications and predetermined requirements of customers. In the fulfillment of customer satisfaction and requirements which are met, then it will also have an impact on the image of the company, in this case generate of output results from a quality education program.

C. Research Limitation

There are several limitations of this research when of data collection implemented, namely : 1. Data concerning the clauses of ISO 9001 : 2008 in Document of SMK Negeri 1 Bawang Quality cannot be shown in its entirety. That is because its is still held revisions, where it is still possible there is a change of contents. 2. Data on interviews with school respondents associated to the implementation of quality management system has changes, because some teachers do not understand about ISO 9001 : 2008. 3. Data on interviews with respondents of partner Institution who became a prakerin place for student is not all of them allow, due to a busy schedule in each company. 237


A. Conclusion

From the research results and discussion on description of the data that was submitted in the previous chapter can be concluded that : 1. Implementation of the CIPP evaluation models that context, input, process, and product to the applied of International Standards Organization ISO 9001 : 2008 is obtained as follows: First, the context evaluation that school has established a quality policy, quality objectives, as well as business process work program set forth in an effort to achievement of quality in DSE program. Second, the inputs evaluation that school provide and describe of the school resources such as human resources, school facilities and information systems documented. Third, the process evaluation that school has been planning, implementing and evaluating elements that have been defined in terms of financing, the duties and responsibilities of each person, as well as other requirements relating to the DSE program. Fourth, the product evaluation that schools has obtained the achievement of goals and targets set in the Document School Qualitys relating to DSE program. So, overall the QMS implementation of DSE program provides effective and efficient impact on the output results. In other words, the QMS be stated Modified derived from the triangulation of research results to the proviso that there is an improvement development programs aimed in the implementation of vision, mission, goals and strategic plan at SMK Negeri 1 Bawang.