Jambang-Vase Tikar-Woven Mat Accurate translation 60 data


e. Celana Kuda-Jodhpurs

Data ST Data TT Score 65STCov T175 Ia telah mengenakan celana kuda... 65TTCov T160 He had put on jodhpurs... 1.3 The term celana kuda is translated accurately into ‘jodhpur’. The translator finds it difficult to convey the term accurately without giving any distortion to the domesticated term. In the source language text the term poses ambiguity celana kuda might mean trousers for riding horse and trousers for a horse to collect its excrement. Nevertheless, the translator is able to overcome the problem by knowing from the context that celana kuda in question is trousers for riding a horse, not the other meaning. According to Webster Learner’s Online Dictionary, ‘jodhpur’ is “riding breeches cut full through the hips and close-fitting from knee to ankle”. The existence of the same material of the SL in the TL eases the translator to find its domesticated term. From the semantic features as follows, we can see that both term share the same semantic properties: ST – Celana kuda TT – Jodhpur + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for a horse to collect its excrement - trousers for a horse to collect its excrement + colourful - colourful

f. Larsa-Boots

The language used by Toer sometimes does not exist in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. This is due to the fact that in literary works, the writers are allowed to some extent to free themselves from the standard rule of language. 34 Even they are allowed to create terms which may not be in line with the language standard. This is the case in Toer’s novel Bumi Manusia. He uses the term larsa for a kind of shoes instead of lars which has been admitted in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. From the context, it is known that larsa might be lars itself, that is, “sepatu yg bagian atasnya menutupi betis hampir sampai ke lutut”. The translator seems to have no problem in transferring the material into the target culture. He simply translates it into ‘boot’, “a covering usually of leather or rubber for the entire foot and the lower part of the leg” Merriam-Webster’s Learner Online Dictionary. Data ST Data TT Score 67STCov T191 Segera aku berlutut di hadapannya dan mencabut larsa dari kakinya. 67TTCov T173 I quickly knelt before him and took off his boots. 1 The term is accurate since the source material can be wholly replaced into the target material without any ambiguity. It is proved also from the semantic features both materials share as follows: ST – larsa TT – boots + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for a horse to collect its excrement - trousers for a horse to collect its excrement + colourful - colourful

g. Talam-Tray

The translation of talam into ‘tray’ is actually rather problematic. According to KBBI Daring, it means “dulang yg tidak berkaki” while dulang