Gerbong-Carriage Accurate translation 60 data

42 the word gombak has a different meaning intended by the writer. It comes as a surprise why the translator replaces gombak with ‘collar’. How did he arrive at a conclusion that gombak is something to do with clothes. Data ST Data TT Score 62STCovT 145 ..dandananku Jawa tulen, melupakan semua unsur Eropa pada kemeja-dada, gombak, dasi... 62TTCovT 133 ..”a true Javanese costume,” forgetting all the European elements in the shirt, collar, tie... 3 The semantic properties of the two terms can be seen as follows: ST – Gombak TT – collar + usually done by men - usually done by men + hair-cut style - hair-cut style It is clear that the rendering of ‘collar’ to convey the meaning of gombak is not accurate at all.

b. Tambang Lawe-Cord

It is very difficult to find what tambang lawe really means. The term is not admitted in KBBI. To make matter worse, it is not found in Google. However, we can see from the context clue that tambang lawe is a kind of cord in which there are some tassels at the end. The respondents consider the translation innacurate because the term is only translated as ‘cord’, which is not enough to convey the idea of lawe. However, the translator explains it in the adjective phrase ‘that ended in a bunch of tassels’, which is actually the description of tambang lawe in the source text. 43 Data ST Data TT Score 143STFT 44 Dari balik tabir pintu ia tarik seutas tambang lawe yang berujung pada segumpal jumbai- jumbai. 143TTFT 49 And behind the door she pulled a cord that ended in a bunch of tassels. 2.6 The semantic property of the terms is as follows: ST – Tambang Lawe TT – Cord + long +- long + used for decoration - used for decoration + having tassles at both end - having tassels at both end From the semantic property table above, it can be seen that the two terms have only one thing in common, that is, length. Tambang lawe is used for decoration, especially as an ornament in a curtain, while ‘cord’ although possible for decoration, it is not something of its main function.

B. The Readabilty of the Domesticated Translation of the Terms Related to ‘Tool’

This part deals with the level of readability of This Earth of Mankind. The respondents are from various countries, such as Hong Kong, United States of America, and Japan. They are quite familiar with Indonesian. Of the 108 sample data, 92 data are categorized readable, 15 quite readable, and 1 datum not readable. The interesting part in this analysis is that we can find some phenomena such as accurate-readable, quite accurate-readable, inaccurate-readable, etc. This will be elaborated in later part of the analysis.