Arit-Sickle Accurate translation 60 data

34 Even they are allowed to create terms which may not be in line with the language standard. This is the case in Toer’s novel Bumi Manusia. He uses the term larsa for a kind of shoes instead of lars which has been admitted in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. From the context, it is known that larsa might be lars itself, that is, “sepatu yg bagian atasnya menutupi betis hampir sampai ke lutut”. The translator seems to have no problem in transferring the material into the target culture. He simply translates it into ‘boot’, “a covering usually of leather or rubber for the entire foot and the lower part of the leg” Merriam-Webster’s Learner Online Dictionary. Data ST Data TT Score 67STCov T191 Segera aku berlutut di hadapannya dan mencabut larsa dari kakinya. 67TTCov T173 I quickly knelt before him and took off his boots. 1 The term is accurate since the source material can be wholly replaced into the target material without any ambiguity. It is proved also from the semantic features both materials share as follows: ST – larsa TT – boots + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for riding a horse + trousers for a horse to collect its excrement - trousers for a horse to collect its excrement + colourful - colourful

g. Talam-Tray

The translation of talam into ‘tray’ is actually rather problematic. According to KBBI Daring, it means “dulang yg tidak berkaki” while dulang 35 itself means “nampan yg biasanya berbibir pd tepinya dan berkaki, dibuat dr kayu”. It is remarkable that the translator, who is not an Indonesian native, is able to understand the term talam. A vast encyclopedic knowledge of source culture is needed to differentiate between talam, nampan, and dulang. However, due to the many-to-one-correspondence nature of those terms, the translator seems easily to translate it as ‘tray’, meaning “an open receptacle with a flat bottom and a low rim for holding, carrying, or exhibiting articles” Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Data ST Data TT Score 113STDT 85 Keluarlah aku menanting talam. 113TTDT 82 I came out carrying a tray. 1.3 The score given by the respondents is 1.3 or accurate. The score 1.3 actually indicates that there is a certain disagreement among respondents. There is one respondent who gives score 2. This respondent does not quite agree with the other two respondents. When asked why giving score 2, she answered that ‘tray’ is not quite the same as talam. However, she could not give a suggestion. She just felt that it was not quite right. To see whether or not talam and ‘tray’ share the same semantic properties, we can see the following table: ST – Talam TT – tray + usually made from wood +- usually made from wood + having edges +- having edges - having legs +- having legs - having low rim for carrying + having low rim for carrying + used to carry dishes, glasses, etc for serving meal + used to carry dishes, glasses, etc for serving meal 36 From the table we can see that there are certain types of ‘tray’ which are similar to talam. The decision to translate talam into ‘tray’ is right because as a whole it does not matter what kind of tray used in the story.

h. Sitje-Settee

The term sitje is not found in KBBI Daring because perhaps the term is a naturalisation from Dutch, zitje, meaning ‘seat’. At that time, many Indonesian intellectuals, including writers, were proud of showing that they were literate and belonged to a high-class community by using Dutch terms. All respondents agree that ‘settee’ is an accurate translation of sitje. Seeing the context indicating that the living rooms are luxurious, the translator specifies one kind of seat, ‘settee’, as the equivalence of sitje. ‘Settee’ according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary is “a medium-sized sofa with arms and a back”, not just a general term seat. ‘Settee’ usually is placed in a luxurious living room. Data ST Data TT Score 73STHT 14 Permadani di bawah sitje bergambarkan motif yang tak pernah kutemui. 73TTHT 26 The carpet under the settee was decorated with a motif I’d never come across before. 1 The following table clarifies the semantic properties of the two materials: ST – Sitje TT – Settee + medium-sized sofa + medium-sized sofa + having back + having back + having arms + having arms