Foreignized and Domesticated Translation

16 Based on the above measurement of accuracy, a translation work will be categorized according to its score. The translation category proposed by Nababan is as follows. Table 2. The Accuracy Score and Its Category Nababan, 2004: 54-65, with modification Score Range Category 1 1.0-1.5 Accurate 2 1.6-2.5 Quite Accurate 3 2.6-3.5 Not Accurate 4 3.6-4.0 Not Translated

6. Translation Readability Measurement

The translation should not only be accurate, but also be easily comprehended and readable. A readable translation makes the readers feel like not reading a translation text, but like reading the original one. To measure translation readability, this study applies the second instrument, the readability- rating. The readability-rating instrument is on the following page. Table 3. Nababan’s Readability-Rating Instrument Nababan, 2004: 54-65, with modification Score Readability Measurement 1 The TT term is easy to read. The term of the translation products can be fully understood by the TL readers. 2 The TT term is easy to read. However, the term that cannot be fully understood by the TL readers. 3 The TT word is hard to read. The term cannot be understood by the TL readers. 4 The TT word is completely hard to read. The term cannot be understood or is not translated deliberately. The readability of a translation work will be categorized according to its score, like the accuracy, based on the readability measurement above. This is the translation category proposed by Nababan. 17 Table 4. The Readibility Score and Its Category Nababan, 2004: 54-65, with modification Score Range Category 1 1.0-1.5 Readable 2 1.6-2.5 Quite Readable 3 2.6-3.5 Not Readable 4 3.6-4.0 Not Translated

7. Classification of Tools

According to Urban Dictionary, a tool is “any item that can be used to achieve goal, especially one that is not consumed in the process.” Tools classification is based on their basic function. They might be “cutting tools, moving tools, chemicalphysics tools, measuring tools, shaping tools, fastening tools, information tools, covering tools, household tools, dance tools, music tools, accessories tools, accessing tools, lighting tools, defensefighting tools, and many more.” Lilley,

C. Theoretical Framework

The definition of translation according to Nida and Taber, Larson, and Bell, and the definitions of foreignized and domesticated translation according to Venuti and Schleimercher are applied as the basic understanding to the topic being discussed in this study. The first important thing is to know what translation is and then we can easily know what is meant by foreignized and domesticated in translation. Since the accuracy of the text plays an important role in order to get the message delivered, the theory of accuracy by Munday 2001 18 and Nababan’s accuracy-rating instrument 2004 are needed to answer the first problem. Theory of readability by Elkins 2001 and Nord 1997, and Nababan’s readability-rating instrument 2004, are needed to answer the second problem. The third problem can be answered using the result of the discussion of the first and second problems. 19


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study was the domesticated terms related to ‘tool’ of the English version of Bumi Manusia, This Earth of Mankind. This study dealt with two works. The first work was a novel Bumi Manusia written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, published for the first time in 1980 by Hasta Mitra publishing house before it was banned in 1981. Bumi Manusia mainly talks about the situation the Javanese people had to face during the Dutch colonization in 19-20th century. The second work was This Earth of Mankind. It was the translated version of the first work by Max Lane, the second secretary in the Australian Embassy in Jakarta until he was recalled in 1981 because of his translation of Pramoedya’s works. It was published firstly in 1982 by the Penguin Books Ltd of Australian edition.

B. Method of the Study

This study applied two kinds of research methodologies. The first method was library research because most of the data in this research were collected from many books, thesis, papers, jurnals, dictionaries, novel, and other text sources or online reference. Hence, text-book-based research was not enough to reach the