Table 2 and Figure 1 below provide the results of the statistical analysis of hedges and boosters of the persuasive essay across 3 proficiency levels. The Post hoc of One-way ANOVA was conducted to determine which level is different from which other level. In other words, Post hoc shows where the differences amongst the 3 levels occur. The results of hedges and boosters of the persuasive essay are shown in separate columns which mean there are significant differences between the 3 levels. For example, the overall frequency of hedges and boosters used by the beginners is higher than intermediate and advanced level (75, 62, 53) respectively.

Table 2: Comparing hedges and boosters of the essay across three proficiency levels

Subset for Alpha=.05

Fig. 1 Frequency of hedges and boosters across three proficiency levels

In relation to the overall quantity of hedges and boosters used in the application 9

letter, results of the Post hoc analysis are shown in Table 3 and Figure 2 below. SB

As the results indicate, the three proficiency levels show up in different columns

D which mean there are significant differences between them. The frequency of IN E

hedges and boosters shows that beginners tend to use more hedges and


boosters than intermediate and advanced (22, 19, 16) respectively.

Table 3: Comparing hedges and boosters of the letter with proficiency levels E R F N

CO Subset for Alpha=.05 2 0 1


1 2 3 I2 Beg. N 27 22.38



50 18.69 R

Adv. 43 15.88

Sig. 71 1.000 1.000 1.000 4

Fig. 2 Frequency of hedges and boosters across three proficiency levels

From the results recorded in Table 3 and Figure 2, it appears that the frequency of hedges and boosters decreases as the proficiency level increases. In other words, the higher the proficiency level, the fewer hedges and boosters are used. This finding is not similar to earlier findings in relation to the quantity of hedges and boosters used by different proficiency levels of EFL learners. Oxford and Nyikos (1989), for example, found that learners of higher proficiency levels tend to use more hedges and boosters than those of lower levels. The findings of the current study indicate that Yemeni students of high proficiency level use hedges and boosters less frequently than medium and low proficiency students. The reason why Yemeni EFL low proficient learners use more hedges and boosters may be due to their deficit in L2 vocabulary. Hinkel (2005) points out that when writing in EFL, writers resort to recycling the same hedges and boosters repeatedly. This implies that lower learners lack command of L2 vocabulary. One more possible reason could be the better understanding of advanced students as

they are approximating native-speakers' level in their use of language. Advanced -6

learners already have enough knowledge of language unlike low learners who

have inadequate competence of language. These findings are supported by -59

Hyland and Milton (1997) that NNSs students are far more likely to rely on -9

hedges and boosters than native speakers. Moreover, the finding of this study 9

was supported by Hyland (2008a) that the least proficient students at Master’s SB

level overused lexical bundles or clusters (e.g. as can be seen, it should be noted),

while the high proficient writers used fewer items of lexical bundles. The IN

following examples were taken from different proficiency levels of the


persuasive essays and the application letters. Hedges are marked by a single line

while boosters are marked by a double line.

F E R The Persuasive Essay - Beginner: N

2 CO

Ex. 1: “Internet improves day after day; the most important thing is internet.

Internet became something important for everyone in different stages of age. I2 N Although, it helps us in many aspects, it affects us in many others.” CC E

Ex. 2: “Some people use it to communicate with their friends and this pattern is

very popular to meet very interest people. Everyone know there are a lot of

advantages and a lot of disadvantages also.”

Ex. 3: “Nowadays technology is playing an important role in people life. The world is becoming a small village as we all know, and the Internet is playing the most obvious role in making this statement true. Definitely Internet is a blessing for many reasons.”