How to Teach Listening Using Video Program

30 eat in other countries and what they wear. Third, it can increase students’ level of interest and motivation through its interesting moving pictures. In conclusion, teaching listening with video appears as an effective media in teaching-learning English. It can be used to overcome classroom problems in learning a foreign language.

c. The Advantages of Using the Video Program

There are many advantages of using video in the classroom. Those advantages should be taken into account and be used as guidance for the teacher before taking videos in language learning classrooms Smaldino et al. 2007: 315- 316. The advantages of using videos in language classroom according to Smaldino et al. 2007: 315-316 are the following: 1 Motion Moving images have an obvious advantage over still visuals portraying concepts in which motion is essential to learning such as motor skill. 2 Processes In the processes of watching videos, the students are be able to study the content and also enjoy it. 3 Risk free observation Videos allow the learners to observe phenomena that might be too dangerous to view directly, such as eclipse of the sun, a volcanic eruption or warfare. 4 Dramatization Dramatic recreation can bring historical values and personalities to life. 31 5 Skill learning Research indicates that mastery of physical skill requires repeated observation and practice. Through videos, students can view a performance over and over again for emulation. The students can observe video of their own performance for feedback and improvement. 6 Affective learning Because of its great potential for emotional impact, videos can be useful in shaping personal and social attitudes. Documentary and propaganda videos have been found to have a measurable impact on audience attitudes. 7 Problem solving Open-ended dramatizations are frequently used to present unresolved situations, leaving it to the viewers about what to do to fix the problems. 8 Cultural understanding The students can develop a deep appreciation for other cultures by seeing depictions of everyday life in on other societies. The whole genre of ethnographic videos can serve this purpose. 9 Establishing commonality By viewing the videos program together, a disparate group of people can build up a common base of experience to discuss an issue effectively. Knowing the advantages of video is very useful for the teacher to increase the students’ motivation in the learning process. That is why video is used as an 32 interesting media to get students’ attention. Furthermore, Brewster et al. 2002 also mentions some benefits of using videos for young learners as follows: 1 Psychological Aspect Video adds variety in the teaching and learning process so that students find it fun, stimulating, and highly motivating. It can make learning experience successful and thus develop positive attitudes and confidence to the target language and to language learning. 2 Linguistic Aspect Video presents or revises new words, phrases, and expressions. It shows all factors of communication; the language forms, nonverbal codes, negotiation of meanings, and interaction. Video also provides a full context of language use so that the learning is more accessible and memorable. 3 Cognitive Aspect Video can improve the students’ curiosity and provide up-to-date information. It enables students to maximize their abilities to infer from context. Moreover, video can develop students’ motor skills, information and research skills, and communication skills as well as independent learning. 4 Cultural Aspect From cultural aspect, video enables students too see the world beyond the classroom and improve their cultural awareness. It helps bridging the cultural gap by providing background cultural information. 33 Those advantages imply that video helps the teacher to teach listening more attractive. Video can increase the students’ motivation to be more active in teaching-learning process. It is because students do not only hear the language but also see it.

B. Review of Relevant Studies

There were some research studies about the use of videos in English teaching and learning. The first one was a study done by Susilowati 2008. Her finding showed that the use of videos can improve the students’ listening skill. The second one was written by Masitoh 2008. Her finding showed that there are some improvements in students’ speaking skills including fluency, grammar, pronunciation accuracy, vocabulary, and language function usage. The next research study was done by Arono 2014. His finding showed that video was effective learning media to improve students critical listening skill. In conclusion, the relevant studies above show that videos can be effective media for the teaching-learning process. In this research, the researcher finds the effectiveness of video program as a media to teach listening. The researcher tries to develop the media to support the teaching-learning process.

C. Conceptual Framework

Listening is the ability to receive and respond to messages in communication process. It is important to be learned by young learners. Without the ability to

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