Teaching Listening in the Elementary School

19 continued Activity types Purposes Materials compares this message with the original. Other listen and repeat games ask the learners to repeat something only if it is true.  Listening to physically ‘settle’ or calm pupils Sets of three words which contains matching pair Songs and rhymes Rhyming stories

2. Listen and

discriminate The listeners’ attention is often focused on pronunciation features such as listening for words which rhyme, or selecting phrases which have the same rhythmic pattern. This is especially useful when using songs and rhymes or stories which have rhyming sequences. Use Find the Pair or Odd-Man Out type activities.  Listening for detail to discriminate between sounds and rhythmic patterns  Providing ear- training to improve pronunciation  Listening to physically ‘settle’ or calm pupils  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving Sets of three words which contains matching pair Songs and rhymes Rhyming stories

3. Listen and perform

actions follow instructions This kind of activity TPR is used with instructions Being a Robot, action songs, rhymes, or games such as Blind Man’s Buff or What’s the Time Mr. Wolf? Asking learners to trace a route on a plan or map is quite difficult and should not be used if the children find this difficult in their mother tongue.  Listening for enjoyment  Listening to improve memory and concentration span  Listening to the use of prepositional phrases, e.g. on the left-right; or discourse markers, e.g. first, then, next; and action verb, e.g. put, fold, turn Action songs and rhymes Plans or maps instructions for games, e.g. origami paper-folding continued 20 continued Activity types Purposes Materials  Listening to ;stir’ pupils make them more lively, relieve boredom, etc.

4. Listen and draw

color Picture dictation is often used to help children focus on key nouns and on adjectives used to describe their color, size, shape, and so on. The whole picture can be drawn, or a picture which has missing items can be added to as children listen.  Listening to develop concentration on specific items, e.g. specific verbs actions.  Listening to consolidate understanding of concepts and new vocabulary, e.g. round, square, large, small, blue, yellow  Listening to physically ‘settle’ or calm pupils. Short, spoken descriptions which can be accomplished by drawing which pupils finish or color it

5. Listen and Predict

This kind of activity has already been referred to and is particularly useful in drawing on pupils’ previous learning.  Listening to increase motivation and concentration  Listening to activate schemata or previous knowledge  Knowing out which words or concepts pupils already know  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving Solving and answer sessions based on, e.g. general knowledge, pictures or the cover of a book or a story Predict content or key words from a picture Draw a word or mind maps about a topic Complete a quiz to draw attention to what pupils already know

6. Listen and guess

This kind of listening is often based on the description of something whose identity the children  Listening for detail to pick out key vocabulary used to describe, e.g. parts of an animal’s body Short, spoken descriptions which can be accompanied by a selection of items for pupils to eliminate continued 21 continued Activity types Purposes Materials have to guess.  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving

7. Listen and label

This activity is used with drawings, maps or diagrams where the learners are asked to listen to a description of an animal, person, or place in order to label key parts.  Listening to develop reading and writing skills or to develop concepts physically settle Listening to pupils  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving Written labels provided for pupils or written words on the blackboard for pupils to copy

8. Listen and match

This usually involves matching pictures to spoken words and is common in games such as Bingo. Older children can be involved in activities which ask them to match pictures or written statements to other written text, such as speech bubbles taken from dialogues or stories  Listening to consolidate new vocabulary and structures  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving  Listening to settle pupils Bingo cards Worksheets on which children draw a line to connect a picture with the correct words or written labels or speech bubbles to match with pictures

9. Listen and sequence

As described earlier, this activity is usually based on pictures or written phrases which are rearranged into the correct order while listening to a story or set of instructions.  Listening to improve memory and concentration span  Listening to consolidate new vocabulary and structures  Listening to physically settle pupils  Listening to encourage mental Pictures or written statement Worksheets with boxes in which children number the order of details listened to continued

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