Background of the Problem

4 Izzatul Getasan. Based on the teaching-learning observation in SD IT Izzatul Islam Getasan, the researcher found some problems in the teaching-learning process in this school. First, this school did not have many facilities for the English teaching-learning process, especially listening. The listening media in this school were very limited. Besides, some interesting media such as pictures, flashcards, or English story books were rarely used in the teaching-learning process. When the teacher wanted to gave a listening practice, the teacher only asked the students to pay attention to what the teacher said. There was no listening practice which was assisted by the use of media. It made the learning process boring. Second, the students did not have a good intention for the English teaching- learning process, especially listening. They felt that it was such a boring and difficult activity whereas they needed it to improve their listening skill. It happened because the activities seemed to be monotonous. There was no variation of listening activities which could make the students participate in the teaching- learning process actively. It made the students lose their interests in the teaching- learning process. That is why the material should be delivered in interesting media to help the students understand the lesson.

C. Limitation of the Problems

Video program is limited to teach listening skill in the elementary school. The topic for teaching and learning activities of listening skill in this research study are 5 about family, food and beverages, and fruits. The content of the materials and vocabularies is adjusted to the students’ grade and needs.

D. Formulation of the Problems

The problems of this study can be formulated as follows: “How can a video program be developed as media for the teaching of listening to the third grade students of elementary schools?”

E. Objective of the Research

The aim of this study is to develop a video program for the teaching of listening to the third grade students of elementary schools.

F. Specification of the product

The video program consists of cover, main menu, unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, and help. 1. Cover The first slide is the video program cover. The title and the developer are stated in the cover. 2. Main menu The second slide is the main menu. There are 4 menus such as unit 1, unit 2, unit 3, and help. 6 3. Unit 1 The theme of unit 1 is food and beverages. There are core competence and basic competence, indicators and learning objectives, and listening tasks. 4. Unit 2 The theme of unit 2 is fruits. There are core competence and basic competence, indicators and learning objectives, and listening tasks. 5. Unit 3 The theme of unit 3 is family. There are core competence and basic competence, indicators and learning objectives, and listening tasks. 6. Help The menu “help” is the information of all buttons used in the video program. This menu is given in order to lead the teacher to easily use the video program.

G. Significance of the Research

This study is expected to give benefits for English teachers, schools, material writers, institutions, English Department, and other researchers. 1. English teachers for children The result of this study can be used as input to help them in developing an interesting media to teach English, especially in teaching listening. 2. Elementary schools

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