Class Observation Meeting I


4. Meeting III

Daydate : Friday, 9 th January 2015 Setting :Classroom III Time :08.00 - 09.30 Topic : Family  The third meeting run well.  There were one members of the class that could not attend the meeting. They were got sick.  The students had known about the name of the vocabularies about family in English.  The students were very active when they answered the question from the teacher about family in the slide.  In the listen and repeat stage, all of the students did the instructions well.  The students did the task well in the “listen and identify” task. They answered the questions correctly.  The students watched to the video carefully because they knew that they had to do the task.  After that, they did the task again. They matched the word of Maruko’s family with their names by giving a line. This stage could run well.  They watched to the video again.  The next task was“listen and fill in the blank”, just a few of students which understood the instructions. Most of them had difficulties to do the task.  The next task was complete the family tree. They did the task well.  The last task was making a family tree.They listen to the partner’s description about hisher family member. Then, they make family tree based on the partner’s family.  The student’s workbooks submitted.  The students closed the lesson by singing a song together. They were very active and happy when they were singing together. 194 APPENDIX F: INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT 195

1. Students’ Need Analysis Interview Transcript

Researcher : Kakak minta waktunya sebentar ya dik untuk melakukan interview. Tolong perkenalkan nama, jenis kelamin dan umur Student : Nama saya Bayu. Jenis kelamin laki-laki. Umur delapan tahun. Researcher : O.K ... Saya mulai ya. Bayu tertarik tidak untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris? Student : Tertarik Researcher : Kenapa Bayu tertarik dengan bahasa Inggris? Alasanya apa? Student : Ehm..Karena belajar bahasa Inggris itu asik dan menyenangkan. Researcher : Terus Bayu suka gak belajar bahasa Inggris? Student : Suka Researcher : Bayu belajar bahasa Inggris cuma dari sekolah atau mengikuti les di luar sekolah? Student : Aku di sekolah, tapi kadang les juga. Researcher : Terus, kamu lebih suka belajar sendiri atau secara kelompok? Student : Ehm, kelompok. Researcher : Kenapa lebih suka kelompok? Student : Biar gampang ngerjainya, saling membantu dan cepat selesai. Researcher : Kamu pengen kegiatan belajar di kelas itu seperti apa? Student : Yang menyenangkan. Researcher : Yang menyenangkan itu kaya apa? Ada media nya? Student : Hmm ... ya ada lagunya, ada videonya. Nyanyi bersama. Researcher : O.K terimakasih dik. Student : Sama-sama.

2. English Teacher’s Need Analysis Transcript

Researcher : Apakah kesulitan Ibu saat mengajar listening skill? Teacher : Duh ... kalo listening di kelas jarang mbak. Kesulitannya ya itu karena nggak ada medianya, bisanya Cuma dari buku paket yang di bacakan langsung oleh guru. Researcher : Apakah teknikmetode yang dipakai dalam pengajaran listening di kelas 3, Bu? Teacher : Biasanya Cuma guru membacakan dari buku paket, kemudian anak-anak menirukan. Listen and repeat. Researcher : Apa saja media yang Ibu pakai untuk mengajar listening? Teacher : Apa ya. Biasanya Cuma dari buku aja mbak. Kadang juga menyanyi. Researcher : Oh iya bu. Lalu dari mana sajakah sumber belajar yang Ibu pakai? Teacher : Sebagian besar ya dari buku paket dan internet. Researcher : Apakah Ibu selalu memberikan listening task kepada siswa setiap pelajaran listening?

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