Listen and perform Theoretical Review

22 continued Activity types Purposes Materials activity and problem-solving

10. Listen and classify

This activity is also usually based on pictures. The children listen carefully to descriptions, for example, different animals, which they then have to sort into different sets. This should be accompanied by some kind fo key visual, e.g. a table, matrix, Wenn diagram etc.  Listening to improve concentration span and to consolidate new vocabulary and structure  Listening to physically settle pupils  Listening to encourage mental activity and problem-solving Pictures Worksheets using written words on the appropriate blackboard which pupils copy into the appropriate column of a chart while listening Key visual, e.g. a tickchart, Venn diagram, matrix or grid In the teaching listening to the children, the teacher needs to consider the teaching method because it is one of the most important things. The teaching method can help the teacher in delivering the materials effectively. Harmer 2001 states some teaching method as described below: a Audio-lingualism: drilling is used in the audio-lingual method. It is used to engender good habits in language learners. The students were constantly learning and protected from the possibility of making mistakes by the design of the drill. b PPP: PPP stands for Presentation, Practice, and Production. In this procedure the teacher introduces a situation which contextualises the language to be taught. The teacher and students work together in the practice step. Then, students will work individually in the production step. 23 c The Communicative Approach: this approach focuses on the significance of language functions rather than focusing solely on grammar and vocabulary. That is why the students should have a purpose for communicating. Besides, it trains students to use these language forms appropriately in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. d Task-based Learning: in task-based learning, the task is the focus of the lesson, not the structure. Students are presented with a task they have to perform or a problem they have to solve. The teachers will discuss about the language that is used, making correction and adjustment which the students’ performance of the task has shown to be desirable after the task complete. e Communicative Language Learning: in the Community Language Learning CLL, students sit in a circle and the teacher stands outside the circle. They decide what they want to talk about. The teacher provides or corrects target language statements if the students make a mistake or say something in their mother tongue of first language. The teacher can then give them the specific English words for them to use and continue their discussion. f The Silent Way: the teacher says as little as possible rather than joining conversation with the students. It is because they believe that learning is the best accommodated if the students will find and create language rather than just remembering and repeating what has been taught. The students

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