Uang saku dengan konsumsi energi dan protein

Chi-Square Te s ts 1,181 b 1 ,277 ,765 1 ,382 1,174 1 ,279 ,296 ,191 1,169 1 ,280 100 Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction a Likelihood Ratio Fishers Exact Test Linear-by -Linear Ass ociation N of Valid Cas es Value df Asy mp. Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 1-s ided Computed only f or a 2x 2 table a. 0 cells ,0 hav e ex pec ted count less than 5. The minimum expected c ount is 14,44. b. Ris k Estim ate ,633 ,276 1,448 ,836 ,597 1,171 1,321 ,804 2,169 100 Odds Ratio f or citra tubuh meras a gemuk merasa tidak gemuk For c ohort konsumsi energi = kurang For c ohort konsumsi energi = cukup N of V alid Cas es V alue Low er Upper 95 Conf idence Interval Cas e Proce ss ing Sum m ary 100 100,0 ,0 100 100,0 citra tubuh konsumsi protein N Percent N Percent N Percent V alid Mis sing Total Cases citra tubuh k ons um si pr ote in Cros s tabulation 3 35 38 7,9 92,1 100,0 16 46 62 25,8 74,2 100,0 19 81 100 19,0 81,0 100,0 Count w ithin c itra tubuh Count w ithin c itra tubuh Count w ithin c itra tubuh merasa gemuk merasa tidak gemuk citra tubuh Total kurang cukup konsumsi protein Total Chi-Square Te s ts 4,911 b 1 ,027 3,817 1 ,051 5,447 1 ,020 ,035 ,022 4,862 1 ,027 100 Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction a Likelihood Ratio Fishers Exact Test Linear-by -Linear Ass ociation N of Valid Cas es Value df Asy mp. Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 1-s ided Computed only f or a 2x 2 table a. 0 cells ,0 hav e ex pec ted count less than 5. The minimum expected c ount is 7,22. b. Ris k Estim ate ,246 ,067 ,913 ,306 ,095 ,981 1,241 1,043 1,477 100 Odds Ratio f or citra tubuh meras a gemuk merasa tidak gemuk For c ohort konsumsi protein = kurang For c ohort konsumsi protein = c ukup N of V alid Cas es V alue Low er Upper 95 Conf idence Interval

2.5 Penampilan makanan dengan konsumsi energi dan protein

Cas e Proce ss ing Sum m ary 100 100,0 ,0 100 100,0 penampilan makanan konsums i energi N Percent N Percent N Percent V alid Mis sing Total Cases penam pilan m ak anan k ons um s i e ne rgi Cros s tabulation 32 19 51 62,7 37,3 100,0 30 19 49 61,2 38,8 100,0 62 38 100 62,0 38,0 100,0 Count w ithin penampilan makanan Count w ithin penampilan makanan Count w ithin penampilan makanan kurang cukup penampilan makanan Total kurang cukup konsumsi energi Total Chi-Square Te s ts ,025 b 1 ,876 ,000 1 1,000 ,025 1 ,876 1,000 ,520 ,024 1 ,876 100 Pearson Chi-Square Continuity Correction a Likelihood Ratio Fishers Exact Test Linear-by -Linear Ass ociation N of Valid Cas es Value df Asy mp. Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 2-s ided Ex ac t Sig. 1-s ided Computed only f or a 2x 2 table a. 0 cells ,0 hav e ex pec ted count less than 5. The minimum expected c ount is 18,62. b. Ris k Estim ate 1,067 ,476 2,392 1,025 ,754 1,393 ,961 ,582 1,585 100 Odds Ratio f or penampilan makanan kurang cukup For c ohort kons umsi energi = kurang For c ohort kons umsi energi = cukup N of V alid Cases V alue Low er Upper 95 Conf idence Interval