Cognitive skills 59 Cognitive skills 78 Cognitive skills 70 Cognitive skills 77 Cognitive skills 87

Education and Leadership in Glocalization : What does “think globally, act locally” mean for education around the world? 21-24 2014 91 Table 2: Perspectives on Active Learning Approach through Assignment Dimensions of Learning Outcomes  S.D. 1. Morals and Ethics 3.83 .52 2. Knowledge 3.61 .59 3. Cognitive skills 3.59 .57 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 3.77 .63 5. Numerical Analysis, Communication And Information Technology Skills 3.57 .68 Table 3: Perspectives on Active Learning Approach through Case Study Dimensions of Learning Outcomes  S.D. 1. Morals and Ethics 3.88 .56 2. Knowledge 3.81 .55 3. Cognitive skills 3.78 .57 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 3.83 .62 5. Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills 3.73 .65 Table 4: Perspectives of the students on the Active Learning through Small Group Discussion Dimensions of Learning Outcomes  S.D. 1. Morals and Ethics 3.87 .60 2. Knowledge 3.73 .60 3. Cognitive skills 3.70 .63 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 3.80 .66 5. Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills 3.69 .74 Table 5: Perspectives on Active learning Approach through Concept Mapping Dimensions of Learning Outcomes  S.D. 1. Morals and Ethics 3.90 .60 2. Knowledge 3.79 .61 3. Cognitive skills 3.77 .60 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 3.83 .69 5. Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills 3.70 .74 Table 6: Perspectives on Active learning Approach through Demonstration and Return Demonstration Dimensions of Learning Outcomes  S.D. 1. Morals and Ethics 3.92 .60 2. Knowledge 3.90 .56 3. Cognitive skills 3.87 .62 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 3.91 .64 5. Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills 3.80 .68 Additionally, the students’ view that the Assignment technique and Demonstration Return Demonstration technique could help them increase Knowledge and Cognitive skills more than other techniques. Conclusion These findings are of particularly important because the nursing profession, as a professional service provider, is required to have moral ethical and standards as well as the skill in building personal relations both with co-workers and patients. However, these findings are only the Education and Leadership in Glocalization : What does “think globally, act locally” mean for education around the world? 21-24 2014 92 reflection of the students who have little experience with the Active Learning Approach. In addition, each method may be employed with inexperienced instructors. It would be much more reliable and valid, when this approach is empirically tested by comparing this approach with other learning process approaches. However, the high level of expectation of the students with regard to this learning process approach helps confirm the assumption that the active leaning approach is much more suitable for human learning. Consequently, it is recommended that in order to improve the learning outcomes for the students, the active learning methods may be used at all levels of education in Thailand. To effectively work and to live in harmony with nature for the 21 st Century, the period which the rate changes are very rapid and complex, new qualities and new skills are needed. Additionally, the educational process needs to be changed or reformed radically in order to be able to produce the much desirable qualities and skills for the new generation of the students in all professions. One of the most foundations for humanity is moral and ethical standards. Whatever profession one is involved, a solid foundation in morality and ethics is required. Despite the fact that knowledge and skills are important for living; the life in the 21 st Century, without strong moral and ethical standards, the society is bound to fail. In conclusion, when the active learning approach shows that it could produce high level of moral and ethical outcomes, everyone engaged in educational activities should seriously take this approach and apply it in the educational institutions at all levels. References ศรัณยู ศรีสมพร -. เทคนิคการสอนเชิงรุกที่ ส่งเสริมศักยภาพการเรียนรู้เชิงวิทยาศาสตร์. ไม่ปรากฏสถานที่พิมพ์. สุวิมล มณีโชติ. 2551. ผลการจัดกาเรียนการ สอนแบบโครงงานต่อความสามารถในการคิดและ การเห็นคุณค่าในตนเองของนักศึกษาวิทยาลัย พยาบาลบรมราชชนนี ตรัง. ตรัง: วิทยาลัย พยาบาลบรมราชชนนี ตรัง. อังคณาพร สอนง่าย และ อนุกูล พุ่มค า. 2545. ผลของโปรแกรมการเรียนแบบ Active Learning ต่อความรู้สึกภาคภูมิใจในตนเอง การรับรู้ใน ความสามารถของตนเอง ทักษะในการแก้ปัญหา และผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนของนิสิตหลักสูตร สาธารณสุขศาสตรบัณฑิต วิทยาลัยการ สาธารณสุขสิรินธร พิษณุโลก. พิษณุโลก: วิทยาลัย การสาธารณสุขสิรินธร พิษณุโลก. เอกสารประกอบการประชุมสัมมนา. 2554. กลยุทธการจัดการเรียนการสอนในชั้นเรียน. เชียงใหม่: โรงแรมอิมพีเรียลแม่ปิง. Education and Leadership in Glocalization : What does “think globally, act locally” mean for education around the world? 21-24 2014 93 1 An Economic Approach to Teacher Retention in the Bhutanese Educational System Karma Tshering Tamang Thammasat University Bangkok, Thailand Abstracts This paper aims to investigate underlying factors, other than retirement, why many public schools teachers leave teaching jobs in Bhutan. Almost every day in Bhutan, a government schoolteacher leaves the profession. Despite measures to retain them, about four percent of teachers in government schools leave the profession annually for various reasons, according to Annual Education Statistics, 2013. The study applies an economic approach to examine the behavior of current teachers in all 19 districts in Bhutan. The data were collected through questionnaires including questions on socio economic and four important variables, monetary incentives, workload, working conditions and attitude of the general public towards the teaching profession. More than 400 teachers in boarding and non-boarding public higher secondary schools in Bhutan were included in this sample. After descriptive analysis of the data, results were estimated using a logistic regression. The study found that gender, years of experiences, levels of professional qualification, monetary incentives, and working conditions are significant predictor for teachers’ retention in Bhutan. Young teachers with fewer years of experiences are more likely to leave teaching jobs in Bhutan. Monetary incentives are found to be the significant predictors in both the types of school. There is general acceptance that the overall working conditions are not conducive in Bhutan. Workload is significant predictor for teacher retention in schools with boarding. Key words: Teacher Retention, Teacher Turnover, Boarding and Non-boarding schools, incentives, Workload, Working Condition, Attitude.

1. Introduction