Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham RUPS

5. Internal Audit

The Company’s audit activities are performed by internal and external auditors. Our Audit Committee works according to the framework approved by the Board of Commissioners, and is responsible for overseeing the Internal Audit function, selecting auditing staff and interpreting their opinions. Through systematic risk-based approaches, the Internal Auditor evaluates the effectiveness of risk management, internal control systems, compliance to rules and regulations, and the corporate governance of the Company.

6. External Audits

External audits are carried out by public accounting fi rm, Purwantono, Suherman Surja Ernst Young. Audit Committees review the work of the appointed Public Accountant to make an independent audit for Company’s Annual Financial Report. The General Shareholders Meeting gives authority to Directors, with the approval from Board of Commissioners, to appoint on independent auditor who writes the fi nancial audit report for the business, year ending December 31st, 2011.

7. Audit Committee

The Board of Commissioners is assisted in its auditing duties by the Company’s the Audit Committee, formed on October 14th, 2009, in line with capital market authority regulations. The Committee is in charge of reporting its activity to the Board of Commissioners and responsible for giving recommendations to the Board of Commissioners according to reports given by the Board of Directors, identifying aspects that need extra attention from the Board of Commissioners, and also executing other tasks related to the Board of Commissioners, such as: 1. Reviewing fi nancial information issued by the Company, including fi nancial reports, projections, and other fi nancial information. 2. Reviewing the objectivity and independence of the Public Accountant. 3. Reviewing the compliance of the Company to rules and regulations of the Capital Markets and other rules and regulation which relate to Company activities. 4. Conducting a review on adequacy checks done by the Public Accountant to ensure important risks have been considered. 5. Reviewing the work of the internal auditor.

5. Audit Internal

Kegiatan audit Perseroan dilakukan secara regular baik oleh auditor internal maupun auditor eksternal. Komite Audit bekerja berdasarkan kerangka kerja yang telah disetujui oleh Dewan Komisaris, bertanggung jawab mengawasi fungsi Audit