4.1 Struktur tata kelola organisasi.

6.2 24 Governance structure of organization.

4.2 Perangkapan jabatan tertinggi tata kelola dan jabatan

6.2 25 eksekutif.

Highest governance post cum executive officer.

4.3 Anggota independen.

6.2 25 Independent members.

6.2 25 Mechanisms of recommendations.

4.4 Mekanisme rekomendasi.

4.5 Kompensasi dan kinerja.

6.2 24 Compensation and performance.

4.6 Konflik kepentingan.

6.2 27 Conflics of interest.

4.7 Kualifikasi dewan.

6.2 25, 77, 89 Board qualifications.

4.8 Nilai ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial.

16, 90 Economic, environmental and social values.

4.9 Prosedur pemantauan kinerja.

6.2 91 Procedures of overseeing performance.

4.10 Proses evaluasi dewan.

6.2 90 Board evaluation process.

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GRI G3.1

Komitmen Kepada Pihak Eksternal Commitments to External Initiatives

4.11 Pendekatan, pencegahan terhadap risiko perusahaan.

26 Precautionary approach toward companyi risk.

4.12 Prinsip ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial.

26, 75 Economic, environmental and social principles.

4.13 Keanggotaan dalam organisasi.

26 Membership of organization.

Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholder Engagement

91 Stakeholders.

4.14 Pemangku kepentingan.

4.15 Dasar identifikasi dan seleksi pemangku kepentingan.

5.3 91 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders.

4.16 Pendekatan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

92, 93 Approaches to stakeholder engangement.

4.17 Hasil keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan.

4.5 91 Results of stakeholder engagement.

KINERJA EKONOMI Economic Performance

62, 64, 65, 66 Gain and economic value distribution. EC2

EC1 Perolehan dan distribusi nilai ekonomi.

6.5.5 64 Financial implication of climate change. EC3

Implikasi finansial akibat perubahan iklim.

6.4.4 65 Employee pension fund. EC4

Dana pensiun karyawan.

64 Goverment financial assistance. EC5

Bantuan finansial dari pemerintah.

6.4.4 66 Minimum standar wage. EC6

Standar upah minimum.

66 Local supplier ratio.

Rasio pemasok lokal.

6.8.7 EC7

78, 79 Local employee ratio. EC8

Rasio karyawan lokal.

Pengaruh pembangunan infrastruktur.

35, 106, 107 The effects of infrastructure development.

6.8.6, 6.8.9 EC9

63, 106, 107 Impact of indirect economic effects. KINERJA LINGKUNGAN ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE

Dampak pengaruh ekonomi tidak langsung.

Material Materials

EN1 Pemakaian material.

38, 39 Material usage. EN2

Pemakaian material daur ulang.

38, 40, 53 Recycled material usage. ANTAM 2010 Sustainability Report

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GRI G3.1

Energi Energy

EN3 Pemakaian energi langsung.

6.5.4 53, 54 Direct energy usage. EN4

6.5.4 54, 55 Indirect energy usage. EN5

Pemakaian energi tidak langsung.

6.5.4 53 Energy conservation. EN6

Penghematan energi.

6.5.4 52, 53 Renewable energy supply initiative. EN7

Inisiatif penyediaan energi terbarukan.

Inisiatif mengurangi energi tidak langsung.

6.5.4 53 Reduction of indirect energy initiative.

Air Water

EN8 Pemakaian air.

6.5.4 41, 43, 44 Water usage. EN9

6.5.4 41, 43 Affected water source. EN10

Sumber air yang terkena dampak.

Jumlah air daur ulang.

6.5.4 41, 43, 44 Amount of recycled water.

Keanekargaman Hayati Biodiversity

EN11 Kuasa Pertambangan di hutan lindung.

37 Mining concession at protected area. EN12

6.5.6 37 Biodiversity protection. EN13

Perlindungan keanekaragaman hayati.

6.5.6 52 Habitat rehabilitation. EN14

Pemulihan habitat.

6.5.4, 6.6.6, 6.6.7 Biodiversity preservation strategy. EN15

Strategi menjaga keanekaragaman hayati.

Spesies yang dilindungi.

6.5.6 38 Protected spesies.

Emisi, Limbah Cair dan Limbah Padat emmissions,฀effluents,฀and฀Waste

51, 94 Total greenhouse gas. EN17

EN16 Total gas rumah kaca.

51 Total indirect greenhouse gas. EN18

Total emisi gas rumah kaca tidak langsung.

51 Greenhouse gas effect reduction initiative. EN19

Inisiatif pengurangan efek gas rumah kaca.

48 Ozone emmission reduction. EN20

Pengurangan emisi ozon.

48, 50 Air emmissions type. EN21

Jenis-jenis emisi udara.

Kualitas pembuangan air dan lokasinya.

42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Quality and location of water disposal.

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GRI G3.1

Page EN22


6.5.3 47 Classification of waste and disposal method. EN23

Klasifikasi limbah dan metode pembuangan.

6.5.3 47 Total number of oil and hazardous spill. EN24

Total tumpahan minyak dan bahan cair berbahaya.

6.5.3 47 Hazardous waste transported. EN25

Limbah bahaya yang ditransportasikan.

Keanekaragaman hayati di badan air.

40, 43 Water body biodiversity.

Produk dan Jasa Product and Services

EN26 Inisiatif mengurangi dampak buruk pada lingkungan. 5,.6.5.4, 6.6.6,

55 Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts.

6.6.7 EN27

Persentase produk terjual dan pengembalian kemasan

38 berdasarkan kategori.

Percentage of product sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category.

Kepatuhan Compliance

EN28 Nilai denda finansial akibat ketidakpatuhan terhadap

32 peraturan dan hukum lingkungan.

Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Transportasi Transportation

EN29 Dampak signifikan terhadap lingkungan akibat

50 transportasi produk.

Significant environmental impacts due to transporting of product.

Keseluruhan Overall

EN30 Biaya dan investasi perlindungan lingkungan.

6.5 36 Environmental protection expenditures and investments. KINERJA SOSIAL


Tenaga Kerja Labour

72, 73 Number of employee. LA2

LA1 Jumlah karyawan.

6.4.3 75, 76 Employee turnover rate. LA3

Tingkat perputaran karyawan.

80 Compensation for permanent and temporary employee. LA4

Kompensasi bagi karyawan tetap dan tidak tetap.

81 Collective Work Agreement. LA5

Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB).

77 Minimum notification of operational changes. LA6

Pemberitahuan minimum tentang perubahan operasional.

Komite Bersama Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.

6.4.6 84 Safety and health joint committee. ANTAM 2010 Sustainability Report

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Page LA7

GRI G3.1

6.4.6 84, 85 Rate of work accident. LA8

Tingkat kecelakaan kerja.

Program pendidikan, pelatihan dan penyuluhan kesehatan.

86, 87 Education, training and health counseling program.

6.8.4, 6.8.8 LA9

6.4.6 83 Safety and health topic on collective work agreement. LA10

Topik keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam PKB.

6.4.7 77, 78 Average hour of training. LA11

Rata-rata jam pelatihan.

78 Pre-retirement preparation program. LA12

Program persiapan pensiun.

6.3.10 76 Performance assessment and career development. LA13

Penilaian kinerja dan pengembangan karir.

73, 74, 75 Employee diversity. LA14

Keberagaman karyawan.

Rasio gaji dasar pria terhadap wanita.

6.4.4 79 Ratio of basic salary of men to women.

Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Human Rights

HR1 Perjanjian dan investasi menyangkut HAM.

29 Agreement and investment regarding human rights.

6.4.3, 6.6.6 HR2

28, 29 Percentage of supplier and contractor regarding

Persentase pemasok dan kontraktor menyangkut HAM.

6.4.3, 6.6.6 human rights.

HR3 Pelatihan karyawan tentang HAM.

6.3 28 Human rights training for employee. HR4

28 Discrimination cases. HR5

Kasus diskriminasi.

81 Right of association. HR6

Hak berserikat.

6.3.5 78 Underage labour. HR7

Pekerja di bawah umur.

6.3.5 29 Forced labour. HR8

Pekerja paksa.

28 Human rights trained security force. HR9

Tenaga keamanan terlatih HAM.

28 Rights violation of indigenous people. HR10

Pelanggaran hak penduduk asli.

4.8 28 Evaluation of human rights policy. HR11

Evaluasi kebijakan HAM.

Penyelesaian formal kasus pelanggaran HAM.

6.3.6 95, 97 Formal grievance mechanisms of human rights filed.

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ISO 26000

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GRI G3.1

Kemasyarakatan Society

SO1 Dampak program pada komunitas.

33, 93, 94, 95, Impact of the program on community.

6.6.3 27 Relation between business and corruption risks. SO3

Hubungan bisnis dan risiko korupsi.

6.6.3 27 Anti-corruption training. SO4

Pelatihan antikorupsi.

6.6.3 27 Prevention of corruption practices. SO5

Pencegahan tindakan korupsi.

6.6.4 94 Participation in public policy formulation. SO6

Partisipasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan publik.

6.6.4 64 Donation for political party. SO7

Sumbangan untuk partai politik.

4.6 69 Penalty of violation in business competition. SO8

Hukuman akibat pelanggaran persaingan usaha.

4.6 100, 101 Penalty or fines of ordinances violation. SO9

Hukuman atau denda akibat pelanggaran peraturan.

6.8, 6.8.3 102, 103, 104 Negative impacts on local communities. SO10

Dampak negatif terhadap komunitas lokal.

6.8, 6.8.3 102, 103, 104 Prevention of negative impacts on local communities.

Pencegahan dampak buruk terhadap komunitas lokal.

Tanggung Jawab Produk

Product Responsibility

PR1 Perputaran dan keamanan produk.

6.7.4 68 Cycle and safety of products. PR2

68 Violation of product impact regulation. PR3

Pelanggaran peraturan dampak produk.

68 Product content information. PR4

Informasi kandungan produk.

68 Violation of product information provision. PR5

Pelanggaran penyediaan info produk.

6.7.6 69 Customer satisfaction rate. PR6

Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan.

69 Feasibility of marketing communication. PR7

Kelayakan komunikasi pemasaran.

69 Violation of marketing communication. PR8

Pelanggaran komunikasi pemasaran.

6.7.7 69 Reports on violation of customers privatization. PR9

Pengaduan tentang pelanggaran privasi pelanggan.

Denda pelanggaran pengadaan dan penggunan produk.

6.7.6 69 Fines of product procurement and uses violation. ANTAM 2010 Sustainability Report

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GRI G3.1





ISO 26000

36, 94, 95, 96, 97 Rehabilitated land. MM2

Lahan yang direhabilitasi.

6.8, 6.8.5, 6.8.7

6.5.6 37 Protection of biodiversity. MM3

Perlindungan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati.

6.5.3 47 Total solid waste. MM4

Total limbah padatan.

75 Number of above one-week strike. MM5

Jumlah pemogokan lebih dari seminggu.

6.3.10, 6.4.4

97 Agreement with indigenous people. MM6

Perjanjian dengan penduduk asli.

6.3.9, 6.8.7

95 Conflict with indigenous people. MM7

Perselisihan dengan penduduk asli.

6.3.9, 6.8.7

6.8.3 95 Conflict settlement mechanism. MM8

Mekanisme penyelesaian perselisihan.

97 Number of surrounding small-scale mines. MM9

Jumlah pertambangan kecil di sekitar perusahaan.

6.3.9, 6.8.7

97 Impact of people allocation operation. MM10

Dampak operasi pengalokasian penduduk.

6.3.9, 6.8.7

35 Mine closure plan. M1

Rencana penutupan tambang.

6.8.5, 6.8.7

Menjaga keberadaan material.

6.5.4 67 Materials stewardship.


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