Teaching and Learning Method Media, Tools, and Learning Sources Assessment

3 Assessment guidelines No Name Aspects being scored 1-5 Total score Pronunciation Grammar Fluency Vocabulary Total mark : Total score x 5 Maximum score : 20 x 5 = 100 October 2014 English Teacher Researcher Shomadhun, S.Pd Olga Azwita Tiarawati NIP. 19610909 198503 1 0 15 NIM. 10202241026 252 E. Handouts CAN Can is a modal verb.Can is used to express ability or to say that something is possible.Can is the same for all subjects. We dont add an S in the third person like other verbs The verb that comes after Can is in the infinitive without to: • I can speak Spanish. = it is possible for me to speak Spanish = I have the ability to speak Spanish • He can swim well. • We can see my neighbour in the garden. • They can play the guitar. Negative To form the negative we add not after can to form one word: cannot. We can also contract the negative to form cant. cant = cannot • I cannot play the piano. We cant go to the cinema tonight. • She cannot speak French very well. He cant drive a car. Questions To from the question we change the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb. The main verb is still in the infinitive without to. • Where can I buy an ice-cream? • Can I go to the party, please? • Can you speak Japanese? • What can we do on Saturday? Remember that you can use short answers: • Can I sit here please? Yes, you can. • Can you speak Chinese? No, I cant. http:www.grammar.clBasicCan_Cannot.htm Structure of Can subject + can + main verb The main verb is always the bare infinitive infinitive without to. subject auxiliary verb main verb + I can play tennis. - He cannot play tennis. cant ? Can you play tennis? https:www.englishclub.comgrammarverbs-modals_can_1.htm CAN Question Answer Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. No, I cannot. Can you play the angklung? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Can you do it now? I’m not sure but I’ll try Can you come to the party? Yes, I can. Can you help me? Certainly. Modal Auxiliaries Other helping verbs, called modal auxiliaries or modals, such as can, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would, do not change form for different subjects. For instance, try substituting any of these modal auxiliaries for can with any of the subjects listed below. I you singular he we you plural they can write well. The modal auxiliary can is used - to express ability in the sense of being able to do something or knowing how to do something: He can speak English but he cant write it very well. Will can be used to express willingness: - I will help you to bring the books. - Will you please pass the eraser? Yes, sure. Yes, I will. http:grammar.ccc.commnet.edugrammarauxiliary.htm Willingness: to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do: We’ll see you tomorrow. Perhaps dad will lend me the bicyle. Ability: We use can to talk about someone’s skill or general abilities: She can speak several languages. He can swim like a fish. They can’t dance very well. https:learnenglish.britishcouncil.org WILL Question Answer Doni, will you help me to bring this book? Sure. No, I will not. Siti, will you come to my party? Of course. I will. No, I won’t. Lina, will you go to the canteen with me? Let’s go. Beni, will you close the window, please? I’ll do it. Will you please pass the salt? Here you are. GIVING INSTRUCTION COMMAND AND REQUEST · Command : is a sentence that orders someone to do something. It ends with a period. or an exclamation mark · Request : is a sentence that asks someone to do something. It ends with a period . or a question mark?. COMMAND REQUEST Come here Could you help me please? Open page 21. Would you answer the phone? Write your name on the paper. Open the window please. Do not go there. Please buy some egg at the market. Go to the bed room now. Would you come to my party? Close the window Could you write the letter for me? Open the door. Bring me the glasses, please. Be dilligent. Could you please turn on the light? Do your homework. Would you like to join the group? Sit down Could you bring my umbrella, please? http:hedwigsite.blogspot.com201204command-and-request.html The tense used in giving instruction is “SIMPLE PRESENT” 1.Use verb as commanding word in the form of infinitive without “to” Examples: Ø Sit down. Ø Sweep the floor. Ø Clean the whiteboard. 2. Use Be + Adjective or noun or adverb Examples: · Be careful · Be quite · Be on time 3. To make the instruction be more polite, we can use “please” that put in front of sentences or back request. ~ Please, wake up. Wake up, please. ~ Please, be quite. Be quite, please. ~ Please, do your homework. Do your homework, please. http:andreassmada.blogspot.com201202giving-instruction-memberi- perintah.html INVITING SOMEONE Useful Phrases For Inviting Someone To Do Something Could you …? How What about …? I’d like you to … Like to …? Perhaps you’d care to … We should be very pleased delighted if you could … Why don’t you …? Would you …? Would you like to …? Useful Phrases For Accepting an Invitation Alright. OK. Thank you. I’d like to very much. That sounds a nice idea. That would be nice. That would give us the greatest pleasure. That’s really most kind of you. We’d very much like to … What a splendid idea Thank you. With pleasure. Yes, please. Useful Phrases For Declining an Invitation I regret that I shall not be able to accept … I wish I would, but … I’m afraid I’ve already promised to … I’m terribly sorry. I don’t think I can. No, thank you. Sorry, I can’t. Thank you for inviting me, but … Thank you very much, but … Unfortunately, … However, thank you. Formal invitations: Informal invitations: - Would you like to go to the mall Saturday night? - Will you see a movie with me? - I was wondering if we can see a concert tonight. - I would like to invite you for dinner tonight. - Do you want to go to the zoo? - How about going to the mall together? - Let’s have dinner on Sunday. - Let’s play tennis together. http:maramarasaja.blogspot.com201303inviting-someone-to-do-something.html 260 F. Questionnaire QUESTIONNAIRE Kelas : Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan cara memberi tanda  pada jawaban Anda 1. Berapa sebaiknya durasi untuk pemutaran audio-visual aids, dalam hal ini video, diputar saat pelajaran berlangsung? 1 menit 3 menit 5 menit 2. Audio-visual aids dalam hal ini video seperti apa yang Anda inginkan? kartun manusia apa saja 3. Narator yang Anda inginkan dalam video tersebut adalah ... Perempuan Laki-laki Laki-laki dan perempuan 4. Dalam bentuk apakah sebaiknya isi dari audio-visual aids dalam hal ini video tersebut? dialog monolog apa saja Questionnaire ini digunakan untuk pengambilan data dari penelitian yang berjudul “Using Audio-Visual Aids to Improve the Speaking Skills of Grade 8 Students of SMP N 2 Sanden in the Academic Year of 20142015”. Audio-visual aids adalah media atau alat bantu yang dapat dilihat dan didengar untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Karena keterbatasan waktu yang dimiliki peneliti, jenis audio-visual aids yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah video. Untuk itu, mohon jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Questionnaire ini tidak mempengaruhi nilai Anda. RESULT OF NEEDS ANALYSIS Class : VIII C 26 students 0 4 96 The duration of the video playing 1 minute 3 minutes 5 menit 12 42 46 The video that the students want cartoon human anything 23 4 73 The narrator for the video Female Male Male and female 77 8 15 Form of the video Dialogue Monologue Anything 263 G. Observation checklists Observation Sheet of Researcher’s and Students’ Activities in the Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking through the Use of Audio-Visual Aids Instruction: 1. This observation sheet to observe the researcher’s and students’ activities during the teaching and learning process of speaking in class. It should be completed by the observer. 2. The observer checks  to Yes No column based on the real condition. “Yes” if the researcher or the students does it while “No” if the researcher or the students does not do it. Give your description on description column if it is needed. No : 1 Cycle : 1 Meeting : 1 Day, Date : Friday, September 19 th 2014 No. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE

A. Researcher’s Activities

1. Opening activities

a. The teacher opens the class by greeting and checking students’ attendance.  b. The teacher prepares the class condition.  c. The teacher gives the students apperception to attract their attention and motivation  d. The teacher states the learning objective. 

2. Main Activities

a. The teacher plays a video of a dialogue about stating and asking if one can do something.  b. The students pay attention to the video.  c. The students repeat the  No. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE expressions from the video. d. The students try to find verbs or difficult words from the video.  They did not find any difficult words from the video. e. The students try to find out the meanings of the verbs or difficult words that are found before.  f. The teacher shows dialogue texts about stating asnd asking if one can do something.  g. The students express the expressions they found from the dialogue.  h. The teacher asks questions related to the dialogue and the students answer them orally.  i. The teacher explains how to use the expressions.  j. The students do an interview with their friends using the expressions of stating and asking if one can do something.  k. The students work in pairs and have to complete a dialogue and then practice the dialogue.  l. The students make a dialogue based on the situation cards they got.  m. The students perform it in front of the class.  The students made some noise when their friends performed in front of the class.

3. Closing activities

No. TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE a. The teacher and the students summarize the lesson.  b. The teacher gives an opportunity for the students to ask about what they do not understand.  c. The teacher and the students do a reflection.  d. The teacher gives the students homework.  e. The teacher closes the lesson.  B. Students’ Activities 1. The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.  2. The students are active in the class.  3. The students concentrate to the teacher’s explanation.  4. The students understand the expressoins of stating and asking if one can do something.  5. The students are confidence to speak.  6. The students are able to answer simple question orally.  7. The students are able to pronounce some words correctly.  8. The students ask the researcher or their friends if they find difficulties.  9. The students practice their tasks.  Observer Novidewi Ayusari Observation Sheet of Researcher’s and Students’ Activities in the Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking through the Use of Audio-Visual Aids Instruction: 1. This observation sheet to observe the researcher’s and students’ activities during the teaching and learning process of speaking in class. It should be completed by the observer. 2. The observer checks  to Yes No column based on the real condition. “Yes” if the researcher or the students does it while “No” if the researcher or the students does not do it. Give your description on description column if it is needed. No : 2 Cycle : 1 Meeting : 2 Day, Date : Monday, September 22 th 2014 No TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE A. Researcher’s Activities 1. Opening activities a. The teacher opens the class by greeting and checking students’ attendance.  b. The teacher prepares the class condition.  c. The teacher gives the students apperception to attract their attention and motivation  d. The teacher states the learning objective. 

2. Main Activities

a. The teacher plays a video of a dialogue about stating and asking if one will do something.  b. The students pay attention to the video.  c. The students repeat the expressions from the video.  d. The students try to find verbs or difficult words from the video.  e. The students try to find out the meanings of the verbs or difficult words that are found before.  f. The teacher explains how to use the expressions.  g. The teacher asks the students to play a chain games using the expressions of stating and asking if one will do something.  h. The teacher shows a dialogue text about stating and asking if one will do something.  i. The students find and express the expressions they found from the dialogue.  j. The teacher asks questions related to the dialogue and the students answer them orally.  k. The students play matching games with their friends using the expressions of stating and asking if one will do something.  l. The students work in pairs and have to complete a dialogue and then practice the dialogue.  m. The students make a dialogue based on the situation cards they got.  n. The students perform it in front of the class.  There were some students who have not performed yet because the bel was ringing.

3. Closing activities

Observer Novidewi Ayusari a. The teacher and the students summarize the lesson.  b. The teacher gives an opportunity for the students to ask about what they do not understand  c. The teacher gives the students homework.  d. The teacher closes the lesson.  B. Students’ Activities 1. The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.  There were some students who like talking with their friends. 2. The students are active in the class.  3. The students concentrate to the teacher’s explanation.  4. The students understand the expressoins of stating and asking if one will do something.  5. The students are confidence to speak.  6. The students are able to answer simple question orally.  7. The students are able to pronounce some words correctly.  8. The students ask the researcher or their friends if they find difficulties.  9. The students practice their tasks.  Observation Sheet of Researcher’s and Students’ Activities in the Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking through the Use of Audio-Visual Aids Instruction: 1. This observation sheet to observe the researcher’s and students’ activities during the teaching and learning process of speaking in class. It should be completed by the observer. 2. The observer checks  to Yes No column based on the real condition. “Yes” if the researcher or the students does it while “No” if the researcher or the students does not do it. Give your description on description column if it is needed. No : 3 Cycle : 1 Meeting : 3 Day, Date : Friday, September 26 th 2014 No . TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE A. Researcher’s Activities 1. Opening activities a. The teacher opens the class by greeting and checking students’ attendance.  b. The teacher prepares the class condition.  c. The teacher gives the students apperception to attract their attention and motivation  d. The teacher states the learning objective. 

2. Main Activities

a. The teacher shows a dialogue about stating and asking if one can and will do something.  b. The teacher wraps up the materials and asks if there is something that the students did not understand..  c. The students work in pairs and find the expressions of asking and stating  No . TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES YES NO DESCRIPTION NOTE if one can and will do something from a text. d. The students practice the dialogue.  e. The students work in pairs and make a dialogue based on the situation card they got.  f. The students practice it then perform it in front of the class. 

3. Closing activities

a. The teacher and the students summarize the lesson.  b. The teacher gives an opportunity for the students to ask about what they do not understand  c. The teacher closes the lesson.  B. Students’ Activities 1. The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.  2. The students are active in the class.  3. The students concentrate to the teacher’s explanation.  4. The students understand the expressoins of stating and asking if one can and will do something.  5. The students are confidence to speak.  6. The students are able to answer simple question orally.  7. The students are able to pronounce some words correctly.  8. The students ask the researcher or their friends if they find difficulties.  9. The students practice their tasks.  Observer Novidewi Ayusari