Selecting the Field Problems to Solve

dialogue practice through role play. The materials were transactional and interpersonal like the expressions of stating and asking about ability and willingness for the cycle one, and the expressions of giving instruction and inviting someone for the cycle two.

c. Selecting the Teaching Media

Based on the researcher and the teacher’s consideration, the audio-visual aids that would be used was video. It fitted with the materials, did not consume so much time, and was easily to get and apply. By watching the videos, the students would understand the materials since they were all about the real life context. They would get the appropriate models and could get adequate input and examples of the target language. To meet the students’ needs, the researcher made a questionnaire to know what kind of videos that the students wanted. The questionnaire covered four questions. Table 4.7 The List of Questions in the Questionnaire No. Question Option 1. Berapa sebaiknya durasi untuk pemutaran audio-visual aids, dalam hal ini video, diputar saat pelajaran berlangsung? How long does the video should be to be used as speaking learning media? 1 menit one minute 2 menit two minutes 5 menit five minutes 2. Audio-visual aids dalam hal ini video seperti apa yang Anda inginkan? What kind of video you do you want? kartun cartoon manusia human apa saja anything 3. Narator yang Anda inginkan dalam video tersebut adalah ... The narrators that you want in the video isare ... Perempuan female narrator Laki-laki male narrator No. Question Option Laki-laki dan perempuan both female and male narrator 4. Dalam bentuk apakah sebaiknya isi dari audio-visual aids dalam hal ini video tersebut? What kind of video do you want? dialog dialogue monolog monologue apa saja anything The researcher provided some figures to present the result of the questionnaire taken from the students of class 8 C. The result is presented as follows: Figure 4.1 Result of question number one The first question was about the duration of the video playing. From the diagram, there were 96 of the students chose five minutes for the video to be played. The 4 chose three minutes and none of the student chose one minute. The researcher and the teacher agreed to use the five minutes duration for playing the video, since it was quite long enough. The researcher can do some drillings by playing the video a few times. 0 4 96 The duration of the video playing 1 minute 3 minutes 5 menit