Review of Related Study

which can motivate them, that is audio visual aids. By using it, they can learn the daily expressions in a fun way. It will create a better environment for the students as well. SMP N 2 Sanden has complete fasilities, but they are almost never been used. From those reasons, this study needs to be conducted. Those are the reasons why I tried to conduct a research by “Using Audio-Visual Aids to Support the Communicate Teaching in Effort to Improve the Speaking Skills of Grade Eight Students of SMP N 2 Sanden in the Academic Year of 20142015”.

C. Conceptual Framework

Speaking is one of the language skills that have important roles in students’ language learning mastery. That is why, teaching speaking is not an easy thing to do. It has to deal with many things like the techniques, the materials, the classroom speaking activities, the media, and many more. Students need to speak and practice more in order to master the language they learned, in this case, English. Unfortunately, students are mostly afraid and shy to speak in English, because they do not want to make mistakes and be laughed at by their friends. They did not have sufficient vocabularies neither have so much opportunity to speak. The students need a real model which can motivate and give them the right examples. They need more exposure on practicing the language. Those problems were also found in SMP N 2 Sanden. The students of SMP N 2 Sanden rarely spoke in English. They had less motivation to learn English because they did not know why they should learn English since they spoke in Indonesian or Javanese language in their daily life. They saw English as a difficult subject to learn, especially speaking. One of the teachers said that they rarely taught speaking because the students were not interested in learning English. The teacher thought that teaching speaking is a waste of activity time. The teacher then only focused on teaching reading and writing because they were important for the national examination. The facilities such as LCD projector, television, speaker, and many others were already provided by the school but the teacher rarely and almost never used those facilities. From the problems above, the researcher decided to use audio-visual aids as learning media to improve the speaking ability of the students at grade eight in SMP N 2 Sanden. There are many advantages when we use audio-visual aids. It makes the process of learning has become quite exciting for the students. It helps the students in generating an open mind for learning Subathra, 2012. According to Nupur 2012, audio visual aids can be a motivator for the students since the students work more interest and zeal. They give a fundamental to verbal instructions because they convey the same meaning as words mean, help to bring accuracy in learning. Furthermore, audio visual aids give clear images which can be seen, and provide vicarious experience for the students. The students can listen to the correct pronunciation by using audio-visual aids. It can attract and motivate them to speak. The teaching and learning process will not be boring, since it gives the students more exposure so that they can practice more and having some new activities in learning that are different from their routine. It also gives the authentic models for the students. The teaching and learning process will be more fun and enjoyable. In this audio-visual aids, the students will get used to optimize their ability of practicing the examples given. The students are not only listening to, getting, and understanding the materials but also learning and practicing to speak after they have studied the right examples from the audio-visual aids. If they understand the materials easily, they can speak it properly. 37


This chapter contains eight subchapters. It covers the research design, the research setting, the subjects of the research, the research instruments, the data collection techniques, the data analysis technique, the research procedures, and validity and reliability of the study.

A. Research Design

This research, using audio-visual aids in the implementation of communicative activities to improve the speaking skills of grade eight students of SMP N 2 Sanden in the academic year of 20142015 is an action research study, which focuses on the efforts to improve the real condition of the English teaching and learning process. According to Burns 2010:2, action research is part of a broad movement that has been going on in education generally for some time. It is related to the ideas of ‘reflective practice’ and ‘the teacher’ as ‘researcher’. To explore your own teaching contexts, action research involves taking a self- reflective, critical, and systematic approach. This research study was implemented in the form of collaborative action research. In conducting the collaborative action research, the researcher invited the English teacher and the students to work collaboratively. The research was done collaboratively both in the reconnaissance steps and in the implementation. In this case, the researcher cooperated with the English teacher of class VIII. The team worked together in planning, implementing and reflecting the action.