Planning Report of Cycle II

students what the correct pronunciation was by using the Cambridge dictionary, and asked the students to repeat the correct pronunciation together. The students sometimes smiled when they heard the correct pronunciation because they thought it was funny. The researcher moved on to the next activity. The incomplete dialogues were given to the students. The students had to fill in the blank parts of the incomplete dialogue by listening to what the researcher’s said. The researcher checked the students’ understanding of what they had to do. The researcher explained the instruction again, then giving a gesture of writing. The researcher then read the complete dialogues. Some students were talking with their friends and missing the sentences. The researcher read the dialogues again. The students did the task orderly and silently. After they have finished, the researcher and the students discussed the correct answers together. The students were asked to practice the dialogue with their partner. The researcher walked around the class to check the students’ pronunciation. For the last activity, the researcher asked the students to perform the dialogue in front of the class. There were only six pairs who have performed because the bell was already ringing. The researcher summarized the lesson briefly, greeted the students and then closed the lesson. 2 The Second Meeting of Cycle II The second meeting of cycle II was conducted on October 3 rd 2014. The researcher started the lesson by greeting the students and checking the students’ attendance. The researcher reviewed the last meeting material. The students who have not performed then came to the front pairs by pairs. The researcher gave the feedback for the students’ performances. Next, the researcher told the Ss that they were going to learn about the expressions of inviting someone to do something. The video was played and the students were starting to observe. Some of the students took notes. After finished playing the video, the researcher asked some questions to the students.the students were asked by the researcher avout how to pronounce some words. The students pronounced the word as what it was written. The researcher gave the right pronunciation and the students repeated it. For the next activity, the students were asked to pay attention to the video again and find the expressions of inviting someone from the video. The video was being played again. The students kept silent and paid attention to the video. The students had not done finding the expressions, and asked the researcher to play the video once again. After the third times playing the video, the students had done doing their task. The researcher and the students checked the correct answers by playing the video and giving pauses to every sentence. The researcher asked in every sentence if there was an expression of inviting someone to do something. The students answered the question orally and said the expressions if there was any of it. Moving on to the next activity, the students were given incomplete dialogues. The researcher read the complete dialogues slowly to make sure that the students did not miss any sentence. After the students finished completing their dialogues, the researcher and the students discussed the answers together. For checking if the students had the right grammar, the researcher showed the transcript of the dialogues and asked the students to check their own work. The students finished correcting their writing. The researcher asked the students to repeat after her about the correct pronunciation of some difficult words. The students were asked to practice the dialogue with the different partners from the last meeting. The researcher walked around the class to check the students’ pronunciation and corrected it if the students pronounced it wrong. For the last activity, the students were asked to work in pairs and given a situation card. The students had to make a dialogue then performed it in front of the class. The researcher walked around to check if the students needed her help or if they had any question. The students raised their hand and called out the researcher impatiently to help them. They kept calling when the researcher were busy helping the other. They were not shy and afraid anymore to ask the right pronunciation if they were hesitant about it. When it came to the time for performing, the researcher told the students that she would give a reward for three first pairs who performed their dialogue in front of the class. The students raised their hands and did not want to lose the chance to perform it first. They were very enthusisastic. The researcher then chose three pairs who raised their hand faster than the others. All the students had performed their dialogue. After giving feedback to the students’ performances, the researcher reviewed the material in that day. At last, the researcher closed the class by greeting the students.