Identification of the Problem

English was only the teacher. They were very dependent on what the teacher’s said and believed that was true and correct. The fourth factor was the materials. The materials were less varied and this condition affected the students as well. They were not very interested in the lesson because of the uninteresting materials being used. There were only a few students that understood the materials well, many of them did not.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background and identification of the problems above, there are so many factors that can be the cause of the low ability in speaking skills. They are the teacher, the students, the materials and the media. There are also some limitations that the researcher has. As the cause of these limitations, such as the limitation of the time, cost, and regarding the importance of this study, this study only focus on the use of the media. The problem in this study is limited to the factor related to the media used. The media used to improve the speaking skills is by using audio-visual aids. Students’ low speaking skills can be improved through these media because it can overcome the problem of speaking as well as problem related to teacher method, students motivation, confidence, interest, and materials and media. Since the teacher in SMP 2 Sanden rarely uses audio-visual aids in teaching speaking, it is good to use this to improve the speaking ability of the students because audio-visual aids are effective in improving the students’ speaking skills. Considering the limitation of time that the researcher has and there are so many kinds of audio-visual aids, the researcher and the teacher decided to use video as the media in this research. It will take so much time if the researcher uses other kinds of audio-visual aids like movies or television so that the researcher and the teacher decided that it will be effective to use video. In light of this view, a research study is conducted by focusing on improving the students’ speaking skills of grade eight in SMP N 2 Sanden by using audio-visual aids video in the implementation of communicative activities.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

In line with the problem limited above, the problem of this research is formulated as follows: “How can audio-visual aids be implemented to improve the speaking skills of grade eight students of SMP N 2 Sanden in the academic year of 20142015?”

E. The Objective of the Research

In relation to the problem formulated above, the objective of this research is to improve speaking skills by using audio-visual aids in the implementation of communicative activities of grade eight students of SMP N 2 Sanden in the academic year of 20142015.

F. The Significance of the Research

1. The research finding can be used by the English teacher at grade eight of SMP N 2 Sanden to improve students’ speaking skills. 2. The research finding can be used as the model for other teachers as the alternative technique to improve students’ speaking skills. 3. The research finding can be used as an input for other researchers who interested in the similar field and will enrich and enlarge the knowledge of teaching English, especially in improving the speaking skills. 9


A. Review of Related Theories

It is stated in the previous chapter that the purpose of this study is to improve the students’ speaking skills by using audio-visual aids. Thus, in this chapter, to support this study, some theoretical descriptions on speaking and audio-visual aids will be described thoroughly.

1. The Nature of Speaking

Teaching English as a foreign language in Indonesia is not easy. Indonesian has already had two languages that they use Indonesian and also their local language Javanese, Sundanese, Sumatran Malay, Madurese, Minang, and so on. Teaching speaking also needs more effort compare to other skills because the students have the habit of speaking in their mother tongue. There are so many descriptions regarding the speaking skills below. There are many definitions of speaking by experts. According to Spratt, Pulverness, and William 2011:34, speaking is a productive skill, like writing. It involves using speech to express meanings to other people. When people speak, they use different aspects of speaking depending on the type of speaking they are involved in. That is why speaking is a complex activity.