integrated Drilling management: The management Drilling Rig

99 Management discussion and analysis 2015 annual report PT Elnusa Tbk Company made a purchase of EWL Ofshore and HWU to improve the compeiive posiion of the company. drilling services The Company provides services in the ield of Drilling services and drilling support services where the current focus was on-shore drilling in accordance with the owned competence and equipment. At the same ime, the Company was sill exploring and developing the potenial in ofshore drilling and geothermal drilling, given the magnitude of the potenial for growth in the sector. Meanwhile, on services supporing drilling, the Company has eWL, MLu, CMT, h2s and others. Below is the explanaion of each business unit of drilling services:

1. integrated Drilling management: The management

service to integrate all drilling, through drilling rig and drilling supporing.

2. Drilling Rig

: Services on main drilling aciviies. 3. Drilling Supporing: The services supporing drilling aciviies, which include: - Mud Logging: The service to measure drilling parameters, including service to detect h2s content surrounding the well. - Mud engineering: service of providing material and mud. - Wireline Logging: service to comprehend the physical character of luids and rocks that contain oil and gas. - Cemening: Service in insulaing layers that selain itu perseroan melakukan pembelian eWL Ofshore dan hWu untuk meningkatkan posisi saing perusahaan. 2015 2014 Kapasitas Capacity utilitas Utility kapasitas Capacity utilitas Utility hydraulic Workover 10 unit hydraulic rig 75 11 unit hydraulic rig 60 Coiled Tubing 4 unit Coiled Tubing 69 3 unit Coiled Tubing 56 Cementing 3 unit Cementing unit 70 3 unit Cementing unit 70 slickline 7 unit portable slickline 92 7 unit portable slickline 83 LCT boat 1 unit LCT boat 90 1 unit LCT boat 100 Testing barge 3 unit Testing barge 81 3 unit Testing barge 100 surface Testing 3 unit surface Testing 71 3 unit surface Testing 27 drill stem 4 unit drill stem Testing 25 4 unit drill stem Testing 23 dua unit hydraulic rig dianggap sudah usang dan ada penambahan satu unit hydraulic rig baru Two unit of hydraulic rig were considered obselete and were replaced by one new hydraulic rig Jasa Pengeboran perseroan memberikan jasa layanan di bidang jasa pengeboran dan Jasa pendukung pengeboran di mana saat ini difokuskan pada jasa pengeboran di darat sesuai dengan kompetensi dan alat yang dimiliki, namun tetap melakukan penjajakan dan pengembangan potensi pada jasa pengeboran lepas pantai dan jasa pengeboran panas bumi mengingat masih besarnya potensi pertumbuhan pada sektor tersebut. sementara itu pada jasa pendukung pengeboran, perseroan memiliki jasa eWL, MLu, CMT, h2s dan lainnya. Persiapan dan mobilisasi Preparaion and Mobilizaion • peralatan pengeboran rig Drilling equipment • pengadaan casing oCTg Casing procurement oCTg • pengadaan aksesori pengeboran Drilling peripheral procurement • pengadaan material lumpur Mud chemical procurement • peralatan penunjang pengeboran Drilling support equipment MLu, eWL, CMT, WT operasi Pengeboran Drilling Operaion • Manajemen pengeboran Terintegrasi Integrated Drilling Management • pengeboran Drilling • pendukung pengeboran Drilling supporing: MLu, eWL, CMT, WT • pembongkaran rig Rig release • demobilisasi Demobilize • perpindahan antar well Rig movement Proses usaha Jasa Pengeboran business proCess in driLLing serViCes Persiapan lokasi Site Preparaion berikut ini adalah penjelasan masing-masing unit usaha dari jasa pengeboran :

1. Integrated Drilling Management: Jasa manajemen