Geo Data acquisition land GDl: 2d 3d seismic data Geo Data acquisition Tz marine GDm: seismic Geo Data Processing GDP: seismic data processing Geo Data Acquisition Land GDL: 2D 3D Seismic Data Geo Data Acquisition TZ Marine GDM: Seismic

101 Management discussion and analysis 2015 annual report PT Elnusa Tbk interpretaion for making further step in exploraion of oil and gas wells. however, the services are made to order, according to the needs of the company’s customers. Customers require subsurface geology data to determine the presence of oil and gas as well as the magnitude of oil and gas contained in the earth at the locaion where the companies operate. The work area of them may be both onshore and ofshore as well as in the transiion between land and coastal areas. Seismic Data Acquisiion and Processing Services are performed by the division of gsC, which include:

1. Geo Data acquisition land GDl: 2d 3d seismic data

acquisition Land and seismic design.

2. Geo Data acquisition Tz marine GDm: seismic

data acquisition Transition Zone and Marine, seismic design, Marine survey, geodetic Control point, rig and Wellsite positioning, road and pipeline routing.

3. Geo Data Processing GDP: seismic data processing

2d 3d land, marine, TZ , Quantify seismic amplitude information, Lithology, petrophysical properties of reservoirs, geology, geophysics reservoir seismic interpretation and geological Modelling, 2d3d depth imaging, amplitude Versus offset, petrophysics analysis, reservoir simulation, navigation and non seismic Land survey, geodetic Control point, rig and Wellsite positioning, road and pipeline routing, Magnetotelluric, Microgravity. in general, the service process is illustrated as below: The decreased of seismic market coninued in 2015, in line with slow aciviies in exploraion as result of low global oil price. however, the Company has managed to acquire for new contracts of land seismic data acquisiion pemprosesan data hasil survei, hingga interpetasi data untuk pengambilan langkah selanjutnya dalam eksplorasi sumur-sumur migas. namun layanan tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan jasa perseroan. para pelanggan memerlukan data geologi bawah permukaan sub-surface untuk mengetahui keberadaan migas serta ukuran besarnya kandungan migas di perut bumi, baik di daratan, lepas pantai maupun transisi antara daratan dan pesisir pantai. Jasa akuisisi dan pengolahan data seismik dilakukan oleh divisi gsC yang memberikan jasa:

1. Geo Data Acquisition Land GDL: 2D 3D Seismic Data

Acquisition Land dan Seismic Design.

2. Geo Data Acquisition TZ Marine GDM: Seismic

Data Acquisition Transition Zone and Marine, Seismic Design, Marine Survey, Geodetic Control Point, Rig and Wellsite Positioning, Road and Pipeline Routing.

3. Geo Data Processing GDP: Seismic Data Processing