The Strategies in Translating Names

ci The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Casanova who in another time also pretends as Lupo Salvato using his servant’s name keeps following Francesca and asks about Francesca’s personal life. It makes Francesca feels uncomfortable and says that utterence angrily to Casanova. As seen, Signore which refers to Casanova uttered by Francesca is translated into Tuan. Here, the subtitler translates this Italian term Signore into Tuan in the TL. It shows Francesca’s respect even though she is really angry to Casanova. In the meantime, the translation of this term indicates the inconsistent of the subtitler in translating the Italian term. However, this translation is very helpful for the audiences in understanding the term. Table 4.17 The Situational Aspect of Translation Variations in The Form of Italian Titles No. SL TL The Relation of Participants Ends 1. Signor ItNT Signor ItNT Distant, equal, lower to higher status Giving respect, Signore ItNT Signore ItNT Distant, equal, lower to higher status Giving respect Tuan INT Distant, equal, lower to higher status Giving respect 2. Signorina ItNT Signorina ItNT Distant, guest to host equal Giving respect Showing intimacy 3. Doge ItPT Doge ItPT Distant, lower to higher Showing the power and anger 4. Signora ItNT Signora ItNT Distant, guest to host Showing formality

D. The Strategies in Translating Names

In this classification, there are 93 data of names. As seen in chapter II, Names are consist of FN First Name, LN Last Name, CN Complete Name and TLN Title plus Last Name. Here, the title plus last name consists of English title plus last cii name and also Italian title plus last name. As the same with English title system, Italian title is followed by last name. Meanwhile, there are 4 names which are not translated. Table 4.18 The Classification of Names and the Translation Strategies No. SL TL Data Data Number Percent- ages 1. Names FN, LN, CN Names unchanged 002,009,012,019,025,031,035, 037,039,040,055,061,085,088, 090,091,092,097,098,100,120, 121,124,125,127,141,151,154, 155,167,168,181,185,195,196, 197,201,202,204,206,214,229, 242,271,273,282,285, 313,322,326,330. 51 54.84 Θ deletion 041,148,166,250. 4 4.30 2. English Title Plus Last Name Indonesian Titles Plus Last Name 022,134,183,286 4 4.30 Italian Title Plus Last Name Italian Title Plus Last Name 006,023,050,051,053,054,066, 072,079,080,107,109,116,171, 178,184,188,208,217,219,223, 226,238,241,246,259,262,265, 267,282,292 31 33.33 Θ deletion 211 1 1.08 3. English Nicknam e Title Plus Last Name Indonesian Nickname Title plus Last Name 158,164 2 2.15 Total 93 100 1 datum has more than one form of names classification. ciii D 1a. Translated FN,LN and CN unchanged into FN, LN and CN In this section, FN First Name, LN Last Name, CN Complete Name and TLN Title plus Last Name are translated unchanged or using transference strategy into the target language. Here are some examples, Example 1: SL: Giovanni, come away from the window, our neighbors will think you are a gargoyle. TL:Giovanni, menjauhlah dari jendela, tetangga kita nanti menganggapmu hantu. 039CsvD115:20 The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Signora Bruni remains her son, Giovanni to come away from the window. Giovanni is a young man who is very much in love with Victoria, the girl who lives just across the canal. Every day, he always sits upon the window and worships Victoria from afar. As seen, Giovanni which refers to Mrs. Bruni’s son uttered by Mrs. Bruni is translated into Giovanni . The form of first name is translated unchanged into the same form too. This translation uses transference strategy. Here, the participants are between Giovanni Bruni and his mother, Signora Bruni. The use of first name from Signora Bruni to her son, Giovanni indicates the close relationship between them. Example 2: SL: It’s new shoes, Guardi? TL: Ini sepatu baru, Guardi? 120CsvD137:08 civ The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Francesca Bruni is really angry to her ex servant named Bernardo Guardi, since her unpublished works have been known by another person. She considers that Guardi has shown her works to Casanova. Here, Francesca is an author of feminist book. However, since at that period women are not allowed to share their idea in public, Francesca publishes her book by using the name of her ex servant and uses Guardi to deliver her book to the publisher. As seen, Guardi which refers to Benardo Guardi his self uttered by Francesca is translated into the same way. The subtitler uses transference strategy too. Here, the form of last name is translated unchanged into last name too.. Based on the situation here, the use of last name shows the anger of the speaker toward the interlocutor. Example 3: SL: A swore honest, Bernardo Guardi. TL: Janji tulusku, Bernardo Guardi. 154CsvD200:47 The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Casanova who pretended as Bernardo Guardi asked Papprizzio not to tell anyone about his identity. Then, Papprizzio promised to Casanova about that. As seen, Bernardo Guardi refers to Casanova uttered by Mr. Papprizzio is translated into Complete Name too, Bernardo Guardi. Here the form of complete name is translated unchanged into the same way. It aims to show respect and honor to the interlocutor. D 1b. Translated EnglishTitles plus Last Name into Indonesian Titles plus Last Name cv In this classification, the subtitler applies similar meaning strategy by translating English title plus last name into Indonesian titles plus last name. Here is the example of this strategy, Example: SL: I think my fiancé, Bishop Pucci, wishes to learn more from you perhaps, if you pleased. TL: Kurasa tunanganku, Uskup Pucci, ingin belajar lebih banyak dari Anda. Jika Anda berkenan. 183CsvD206:28 The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Casanova who pretends as Pietro Papprizzio tries to calm down the debate situation between Francesca and Bishop Pucci. Here, Francesca Bruni, a young woman with a brain far in advance of her time asks the Bishop why he came to Venice. Then, Bishop Pucci tells that he came there to solve some kind of moral problem. Francesca who is still curious about that keeps asking questions to the Bishop. Surely, it makes Bishop Pucci angry since at that period women are not allowed to talk or shared their idea. As seen, Bishop Pucci which refers to him self uttered by Casanova is translated into Uskup Pucci. The profession title plus last name is translated into similar sense into Indonesia. Here, the speaker, Casanova uses profession title plus last name to address Bishop Pucci. It indicates that Bishop Pucci has a higher status than Casanova. It also shows the distant relationship between the participants. That’s why Casanova uses this term to give a respect toward Bishop Pucci. cvi D 2a. Translated Italian Titles plus Last Name into Italian Titles plus Last Name Here, the subtitler applies transference strategy in translating Italian titles plus last name. As stated before, transference strategy is used to maintain source language’s value. It can be seen in the example below, Example: SL: Signora Bruni, your daughter has been duped by not alone Casanova. TL: Signora Bruni, putri Anda tertipu oleh Casanova sendiri. 323CsvD248:55 The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Bishop Pucci finally knows that all the troubles are caused by Casanova. Therefore, he came to Signora Bruni or Francesca’s mother and said that her daughter has been duped by Casanova. As seen, Signora Bruni which refers to Mrs. Bruni uttered by Bishop pucci is translated into the same way, Signora Bruni. The subtitler applies transference strategy by using the term Signora in the subtitling. The term Signora has an equivalent meaning with English title Mrs or Madam a term to address a woman especially for a married woman or older woman. Even though Bishop Pucci has a higher status than Signora Bruni, he still uses this term to show his respect. Besides, Signora Bruni is from a respectable family. D 2a. Italian Titles plus Last Name not Translated in TL cvii In this classification, the subtitler decides to ommite the translation of Italian title plus last in the TL. The consideration is because it is a direct conversation. Besides it can be tolerant since there is other form of address that can represent a politeness situation. Example: SL: Signor Papprizzio, if you will help me put an end to his vile fornicator career for good and all, believe me, the church will be very grateful. TL: Jika Anda bisa membantu mengakhiri penghujatan dia selamanya, percayalah, gereja akan sangat berterima kasih. 211CsvD212:04 The above example is found in one part of the movie in which Bishop Pucci asks Lord Papprizzio to help him to catch Casanova. At that time Bishop Pucci didin’t realize that the man in front of him is Casanova since he has never seen Casanova before. As seen, Signor Papprizzio which refers to Casanova who at that time pretends as Lord Papprizzio uttered by Bishop Pucci is not translated in the TL. The subtitler deletes the form of title plus last name in the target language. This deletion strategy can reduce the formality of the utterance. However, it can be tolerant since there is a translation of second person pronoun Anda after the form of title which shows the polite form of address. cviii Table 4.19 The Situational Aspect of Translation Variations in The Form Of Italian Titles No SL TL The Relation of Participants Ends 1. FN FN Intimate, higher to lower, Familial: Mother to sondaughter, Officer to a prisoner Master to servant Showing the intimacy, Showing anger Showing power θ Intimate, higher to lower Showing the intimacy 2. LN LN Equal Higher to lower status Showing intimacy Showing power and anger 3. CN CN Distant,Lower to higher status Showing respect 4. ETLN ITLN Distant, lower to higher Showing respect n formality Italian TLN Italian TLN Distant, lower to higher Showing respect n formality θ Distant, higher to lower Speaking directly 5. ENT INT Distant, lower to higher Showing respect and admiration

E. The Strategies in Translating Endearments and Other Expressions