mGBL Integration Testing in the Learning Integration testing is done by trying out a prototype

282 Figure 13. mGBL application screen shot Measurement Aspects of Learning Measurement of these aspects of learning mGBL includes five aspects: a matter easy to understand, about the amount of memory, the number of analytical questions, about the material quality and suitability about the material that once accepted, the results are as shown in the graph below. Figure 14 Graph measurement of learning in mGBL Measurement mGBL Fun Aspect. Measurement of fun in the game were also measured to provide five additional questions to find out just how exciting this game, the data shown in the graph more below. Figure 15. Graph measurement of Fun in mGBL

5. Conclusion

Subsystem interconnect architecture mGBL through wireless communication with the server using http protocol WIFI-LAN and the mobile game WIFI- PDA and Client-Server bluetooth mobile games can interact with both. Measurement of learning aspects of the method mGBL show that this method is acceptable learners and can be used as an alternative learning model because it contains elements of planning, construction, information resources, and evaluation. Utilization of the local network via wireless accespoint mGBL facilitate learners to access because it is not burdened with the cost of communication A CKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following group and individuals to the development of this research paper: Research Groups IT STTAR-JPVEDC Malang on cooperation and collaboration. JENI team for all the hard work so that the mobile application materials can be used by many people. Lastly, We offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any respect during the completion of the project. R EFERENCES [1]André N. Klingsheim, “J2ME Bluetooth Programming” Department of Informatics University of Bergen,2004 [2]Carol Hammer,”Creating Mobile Games Using JavaTM ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone”, Apress, Inc. USA,2007 [3]Gerhard Schwabe ,”Mobile Learning with a Mobile Game: Technology and GameDynamics” 283 Christoph Göth, University of Zurich [4]Jason Lam, 2004 J2ME Gaming Version 0.5.6 [5]Mitchell, A,”Exploring the potential of a games-oriented implementation for m- Portal”. Paper presented to the MLEARN conference – learning with mobile devices, London, UK.2003 [6]Muhammad Nur Bagus ”Rancang Bangun Mobile-Edu Game menggunakan Java ME ” 2008 [7]Norbert Pachler, “Mobile Learning toward a research agenda”, The WLE Center, Institute of Education, Elanders Hindson Ltd, North Tyneside,2007. [8]Riyanto Bambang dkk , “Perancangan Aplikasi M-Learning Berbasis Java ”, Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi untuk Indonesia Institut Teknologi Bandung,2006.